Monday 27th January 2025
Tourism Group
The Bere Island Tourism and Environment Group have will hold their AGM on Tuesday February 18th at 7.30pm in the Community Centre, all are welcome to come along, particularly anybody who would like to be involved in Tidy Towns projects on the island. The group welcome any new suggestions for Tidy Towns Projects.
Bere Island Men’s Shed
The Bere Island Men’s Shed Group meet every Thursday at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. The group are collecting bottles and cans that can be recycled in the returns scheme, all funds will go to projects the men’s shed are working on. For further details contact Oscar on 027 75099.
Beara College of Further Education
The Beara College of Further Education will be running a number of courses from their premises on the North Road, Castletownbere for the New Year. For further information and to register contact Noreen on 086 8239147.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
The Beara West Family Resource Centre is based on Main Street, Castletownbere. The centre provides information, advice and support to individuals, families, and groups. They can link people in with services that best suit their needs and can assist with completing application forms. The centre can also link people in with a local counsellor or therapist for low-cost counselling. For details contact 027 70998. Conversation English for children and adults will be held at the centre, for further details of times and dates contact the centre.
The centre will host a four week family learning programme at the Bere Island Community Centre starting on Friday February the 7th at 10.30am. Family Learning helps parents and carers make the most of the learning opportunities in everyday life, supporting babies and young children through play. Family Learning also allows parents and carers to improve their children’s lives with the following. Contact the centre for further information.
In the coming weeks the centre will be running a parents plus programme for parents of children with ADHD.
Monday 20th January 2025
Bere Island Festival
The Bere Island Festival Committee will hold their AGM on Monday January 20th at 8.00pm in the Community Centre. Everyone is invited to attend and the group welcome new members to help with arranging this year’s festival.
Bere Island Women Create
Bere Island Women Create, a women’s arts collective on Bere Island will hold their AGM on Tuesday January 21st at 7.30pm in the community centre. All island women are invited to come along. The group will also be planning projects to work on for the coming year.
Tourism Group
The Bere Island Tourism and Environment Group have changed the date of their AGM and this will now be held on Tuesday February the 18th at 7.30pm in the Community Centre, all are welcome to come along, particularly anybody who would like to be involved in Tidy Towns projects on the island. The group welcome any new suggestions for Tidy Towns Projects.
Beara College of Further Education
The Beara College of Further Education are running a number of courses from their premises on the North Road, Castletownbere. For further information and to register contact Noreen on 086 8239147.
Beara Film Fest
Submissions for the 2025 Beara Film Fest are now open. The director must be living in or from Cork and their short must have been filmed in Cork from January 1st 2023. The film should be a maximum of twenty minutes in duration, in the English language, and if an Irish or European language it should be subtitle. All films should be submitted in MP4 format via WeTransfer or Vimeo to The deadline for all submissions is 5.00pm on February 28th 2025.
Bere Island Men’s Shed
The Bere Island Men’s Shed Group meet every Thursday at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. The group are collecting bottles and cans that can be recycled in the returns scheme, all funds will go to projects the men’s shed are working on. For further details contact Oscar on 027 75099.
2024 News
Monday December 16th
Bere Island Christmas
The Bere Island National School Play will take place on Wednesday December 18th at 12pm at the school and on Thursday December 19th at 5pm. The school’s parents association are also holding a fundraising raffle with some great prizes, lines can be bought in a number of island businesses.
The Bere Island Projects Group Office will close on Friday December 20th for Christmas and will re-open on Monday January 6th. For details of any island services during this time please see
The after school club will finish tomorrow for the holidays and will restart in January.
Beara College of Further Education
The Beara College of Further Education will be running a number of courses from their premises on the North Road, Castletownbere from January 2025. Courses include computers for all levels, digital literacy, cooking classes, horticulture, painting, textiles, sewing, mosaics and English language classes for beginners and improvers. For further information and to register contact Noreen on 086 823947.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
On Wednesday December 18th Beara West Family Resource Centre will hold their Christmas party from 11.00am to 1.00pm. All are welcome to attend for some Christmas treats and music with Pat Higgins. Anyone who can play an instrument is invited to bring it along.
Starting next year on Wednesday January the 22nd Dr Clare O’Byrne, a chartered psychologist will facilitate a webinar talk – Responding to Behaviours that Challenge with Calm and Compassion. The talk will run from 7.00 pm– 8.30pm and is aimed at parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts or guardians of a child with a disability or who is neurodivergent.
Also in the new year, the centre will be running a parents plus programme for parents of children with ADHD.
Monday December 10th
Bere Island Christmas
The Bere Island Christmas Meal will take place in the Hotel on Saturday December 14th, to book the meal please contact Maria on 027 75018. The Bere Island National School Play will take place on Wednesday December 18th at 12pm at the school and on Thursday December 19th at 5pm.
The Bere Island Projects Group Office will close on Friday December 20th for Christmas and will re-open on Monday January 6th. For details of any island services during this time please see
Caha Centre
A Christmas Flower Arranging Workshop will take place at the Caha Centre Ardgroom on Wednesday December 18th at 7pm and at the Caha Centre Adrigole on Thursday December 19th at 11am. The cost is €10 per person and booking is essential by calling 027 60909.
Radio special
Bere Island Community Radio will broadcast their special Christmas programme on Sunday December 22nd, live from the Bere Island Hotel. Anyone who would like to send in a request or message, or a voice note can do so by sending them via WhatsApp to 083 151100 or emailing – voice notes which can be played on air are particularly welcome.
Beara College of Further Education
A Christmas cooking demonstration on how to make nibbles and party food will be held at the Beara College of Further Education on Tuesday December 10th from 10.00am to 1.00pm at the centre on the North Road, Castletownbere. The course is free but booking is essential at 086 8239147. On Thursday December 12ththere will be an art event at the Beara College of Further Education to showcase the students’ work from 7.00pm to 9.00pm. Admission is free and refreshments will be served on the evening. All are welcome to come along.
Bere Island Men’s Shed
Are collecting bottles and cans that can be recycled in the returns scheme, all funds will go to projects the men’s shed are working on. For further details contact Oscar on 027 75099.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
On Wednesday December 18th Beara West Family Resource Centre will hold their Christmas party from 11.00am to 1.00pm. All are welcome to attend for some Christmas treats and music with Pat Higgins. Anyone who can play an instrument is invited to bring it along.
Starting next year on Wednesday January 22nd Dr Clare O’Byrne, a chartered psychologist will facilitate a webinar talk – Responding to Behaviours that Challenge with Calm and Compassion. The talk will run from 7.00 pm– 8.30pm and is aimed at parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts or guardians of a child with a disability or who is neurodivergent.
Monday December 3rd
Bere Island Christmas Events
The turning on of the Bere Island Christmas lights will take place on Sunday December 8th at 7.30pm in Rerrin Village, all are invited to come along. The Bere Island Christmas Meal will take place in the Hotel on Saturday December 14th, to book the meal please contact Maria on 027 75018.
Book launch
Michael Hall will launch his new book The Untold Story of the O’Sullivan Beare on Saturday December 7th at 5.00pm at the Sarah Walker Gallery, Castletownbere. The book, which is published by the Beara Historical Society will be launched by the author and documentary maker Christy Kenneally, all are welcome to attend.
Beara Shimmy Shakers
Beara Shimmy Shakers will hold their Christmas party night on Sunday December 8th at 9pm in Berehaven Golf Club with dancing to the Breens.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
The Beara West Family Resource Centre will facilitate a
free Arts4Health Carers Morning in Eyeries Meeting Rooms on Wednesday December 4th from 11.00am to 1.00pm. All are welcome to come along, no experience is needed, but pre-booking is advised.
On Wednesday December 18th Beara West Family Resource Centre will hold their Christmas party from 11.00am to 1.00pm. All are welcome to attend for some Christmas treats and music with Pat Higgins. Anyone who can play an instrument is invited to bring it along.
Monday 18th November
Bere Island Projects Group
To mark the 70th anniversary of the Bere Island Grotto, a short service and blessing will be held at the Grotto next Thursday November 21st at 12.45pm, all are welcome to attend.
Castletownbere Development Association
Castletownbere Development Association have announced a number of key events coming up in the town over the next few weeks. On Friday December 6th, bingo will take place at Berehaven Golf Club at 8.00pm. On Saturday December 7th, the Christmas lights will be switched on in Castletownbere and on Sunday December 8th a Christmas market will be held at Castletownbere National School, followed by a Drive Through Santa visit later that day. On Friday December 21st the CDA will have a fundraising raffle day, and on Thursday December 26th the annual St Stephen’s challenge will take place.
If anyone would like to have a stall at the Christmas Market they are asked to get in contact with Sandra at the CDA.
Bere Island Christmas
The turning on of the Bere Island Christmas lights will take place on Sunday December 8th at 7.30pm in Rerrin Village, all are invited to come along. The Bere Island Christmas Meal will take place in the Hotel on Saturday December the 14th, further details will be announced shortly.
Beara Shimmy Shakers
On Sunday December 1st Beara Shimmy Shakers till be taking a trip to Bere Island for afternoon dancing to Seamus Healy at the Hotel. A ferry will leave Castletownbere at 12.30pm and return at 4.30pm. The cost is €20 per person, for the ferry, bus travel to and for the Hotel and refreshments. Anyone who is interested is asked to contact Deirdre on 086 3501083.
Beara Shimmy Shakers will hold their Christmas party night on Sunday December the 8th at 9pm in Berehaven Golf Club with dancing to the Breens.
Bere Island IFA will hold their AGM on Monday November the 25th at 7.30pm in the Hotel. All members are invited to attend.
Monday 11th November
Bere Island Projects Group
Bere Island Projects Group will hold their AGM on Wednesday November 13th at 7pm in the Community Cent
Funding for Castletownbere and Bere Island
Funding of €479,000 has been allocated for a new multi-purpose sports complex for Castletownbere, as a result of a joint funding application with Beara Community School, Beara United FC, Beara AC and Beara Ladies Football.
Separately funding of €113,000 has been allocated to Bere Island GAA Club for an astro-turf pitch at the club.
Beara Historical Society
The Beara Historical Society’s next meeting will take place on Thursday November 14th at 8.00pm in the National School, Castletownbere. Writer, historian and broadcaster
Diarmuid O Drisceoil’s will give a talk on The Story of the Kinsale Head Gas Field.
Beara Shimmy Shakers
On Sunday December 1st Beara Shimmy Shakers till be taking a trip to Bere Island for afternoon dancing to Seamus Healy at the Hotel. A ferry will leave Castletownbere at 12.30pm and return at 4.30pm. The cost is €20 per person, for the ferry, bus travel to and for the Hotel and refreshments. Anyone who is interested is asked to contact Deirdre on 086 3501083.
Bere Island IFA will hold their AGM on Monday November 25th at 7.30pm in the Hotel. All members are invited to attend.
Monday 14th October
Bere Island Projects Group
Bere Island Projects Group will hold their AGM on Wednesday 13th November at 7pm in the Community Centre.
5 Mile Run
The next run in the Beara AC 5 Mile Run series will take place on Bere Island on Saturday October 19th at 2.30pm. For details on how to register see the Beara AC Facebook page.
Bere Island Projects Group who are hosting the run are also looking for volunteers on the day, if you would like to help out please contact the office on 027 75099.
Beara Historical Society
The Beara Historical Society will hold their AGM on Thursday October 17th at 8.00pm at Castletownbere National School. Also on the night Paddy O’Sullivan will give a photo-illustrated talk on “Castletownbere’s Pictorial Past.” All are welcome to attend, annual membership of the society is €15 per person or €20 for a family.
Bere Island Newsletter
Bere Island Projects Group will be publishing the 2024 Christmas Newsletter and welcome all contributions. Family news items or photographs from the past year, graduations, engagements, weddings, births, christenings, special birthdays etc. Tributes to loved ones who have passed away in the last year, stories of Christmases gone by on Bere Island, poetry, short stories, all are welcome. All island clubs and organisations are also invited to submit any news on their activities over the past year. The deadline is Friday October the 25th. All items should be sent to emailed to Helen at or dropped into the Projects Group Office.
Congratulations are extended to Katie (nee Murphy) and Sean McMahon on the birth of their baby boy Páidí David, born on October 10th.
Monday 7th October
Beara benefits from Sports Capital Funding
A number of Beara Clubs and organisations are set to benefit from the Community Sport Facilities Fund (formerly the Sports Capital and Equipment Programme) which was announced by the Government last week. Castletownbere GAA Club have been awarded €140,927 to develop a practice wall, purchase a mower and install lighting at a walkway, Castletownbere Rowing Club have been awarded €161,953 towards expanding the existing boathouse, purchasing a new rowing boat and a new strength and conditioning gym, Garnish GAA Club have been awarded €136,498 to install flood lights, Berehaven Golf Club have been awarded €77,945 for a practice area and t-box sprinkler system, Beara Community School have been awarded €195,000 for a multi-purpose sports facility and Eyeries Community Council were awarded €78,000 for lighting and accessibility at Eyeries Park.
5 Mile Run
The next run in the Beara AC 5 Mile Run series will take place on Bere Island on Saturday October the 19th at 2.30pm. for details on how to register see the Beara AC Facebook page. Bere Island Projects Group who are hosting the run are also looking for volunteers on the day, if you would like to help out please contact the office on 027 75099.
Beara Shimmy Shakers
Beara Shimmy Shakers will hold their next dance night on Sunday October 13th at Berehaven Golf Club, starting at 9.00pm with dancing to Seamus Healy. There will also be a raffle on the night.
Bere Island Newsletter
Bere Island Projects Group will be publishing the 2024 Christmas Newsletter and welcome all contributions. Family news items or photographs from the past year, graduations, engagements, weddings, births, christenings, special birthdays etc. Tributes to loved ones who have passed away in the last year, stories of Christmases gone by on Bere Island, poetry, short stories, all are welcome. All island clubs and organisations are also invited to submit any news on their activities over the past year. The deadline is Friday October the 25th. All items should be sent to emailed to Helen at or dropped into the Projects Group Office.
Keep Fit
Adult fitdance classes with Karolina will start on Bere Island on Wednesdays in October. Places are limited and booking is essential by contacting 027 75099.
Monday 30th September
Bere Island Newsletter
Bere Island Projects Group will be publishing the 2024 Christmas Newsletter and welcome all contributions. Family news items or photographs from the past year, graduations, engagements, weddings, births, christenings, special birthdays etc. Tributes to loved ones who have passed away in the last year, stories of Christmases gone by on Bere Island, poetry, short stories, all are welcome. All island clubs and organisations are also invited to submit any news on their activities over the past year. The deadline is Friday October 25th. All items should be sent to emailed to Helen at or dropped into the Projects Group Office.
Bantry and Beara Cardiac Support Group
The Bantry and Beara Cardiac Support Group will hold their next meeting on Tuesday October 1st at 8.00pm at Bantry Primary Care Centre, Sheskin, Bantry. This month’s talk will reflect on Mental Health pre/post-traumatic illness and techniques/exercises to help cope.
Beara Shimmy Shakers
Beara Shimmy Shakers will hold their next dance night on Sunday October 13th at Berehaven Golf Club, starting at 9.00pm with dancing to Seamus Healy. There will also be a raffle on the night. The group extended their thanks to Effie Neill who performed at their most recent dance night.
Monday 23rd September
Bere Island Newsletter
Bere Island Projects Group will be publishing the 2024 Christmas Newsletter and are welcome all contributions.
Family news items or photographs from the past year, graduations, engagements, weddings, births, christenings, special birthdays etc. Tributes to loved ones who have passed away in the last year, stories of Christmases gone by on Bere Island, poetry, short stories, all are welcome. All island clubs and organisations are also invited to submit any news on their activities over the past year. The deadline is Friday 25th October. All items should be sent to emailed to Helen at or dropped into the Projects Group Office.
Beara Community Gathering
Older people in the community are invited to come along to the Beara Community Gathering at the Berehaven Lodge, Castletownbere on Friday October the 4th at 12.30pm. There will be a three-course meal, live music, dancing and a raffle. The cost is €10 per head and transport to and from the venue is available on request. Booking is essential by contacting Moira at Beara West Family Resource Centre at 027 70998, Ann-Maire at The Caha Centre at 027 60909 or Oscar Daly at Bere Island Projects Group on 027 75099.
Caha Centre
There will be a Men’s Social Gathering along with a screening of the documentary The Seaflower Tragedy 1968 with an introduction from Fachtna O’Donovan and Theo Dalkhe at the Caha House, Ardgroom on Thursday September 26th at 8.00pm. All are welcome to attend, the cost is €10 per person and light refreshments will be served.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
Throughout September and October there will be free sports taster sessions for primary school children in Beara offering the opportunity to try out a range of sports. Sports on offer include athletics, tennis, golf, kickboxing, GAA, horse-riding and soccer. Pre-registration is required, for further information and to book contact Joanne at or phone 083 1135 077.
Monday 16th September
Bere Island Arts Festival
The Bere Island Arts Festival is taking place this coming week, starting on Thursday September 19th and running through to Sunday September 22nd with an exciting programme of events. For the full programme
Beara Community Gathering
Older people in the community are invited to come along to the Beara Community Gathering at the Berehaven Lodge, Castletownbere on October 4th at 12.30pm. There will be a three-course meal, live music, dancing and a raffle. The cost is €10 per head and transport to and from the venue is available on request. Booking is essential by contacting Moira at Beara West Family Resource Centre at 027 70998, Ann-Maire at The Caha Centre at 027 60909 or Oscar Daly at Bere Island Projects Group on 027 75099.
Caha Centre
Creative Carer’s Art Morning will start on Monday September 23rd running from 11.00am to 1.00pm for nine weeks. The sessions are for family carers and there is no obligation to attend all sessions. Booking is essential by contacting Ann Maire at the Caha Centre on 027 60909 or Alvina at Beara West on 027 70988.
There will be a Men’s Social Gathering along with a screening of the documentary The Seaflower Tragedy 1968 with an introduction from Fachtna O’Donovan and Theo Dalkhe at the Caha House, Ardgroom on Thursday September 26th at 8.00pm. The cost is €10 per person and light refreshments will be served.
Bere Island Community Centre
The Bere Island Community Centre hosts a number of island groups every week. The After School Group meet every Monday from 3.15pm to 5.00pm and is open to all national school children. The parent and toddler group meet on Wednesdays at 10am, the Active Retirement Group meet on Thursday mornings at 11am and the Men’s Shed Group meet on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm. For details on any of the groups contact 027 75099.
Castletownbere Youth Theatre
Castletownbere Youth Theatre hold workshops on Wednesdays at Scoil an Chroi Ro Naofa, with ages 10-12 at 6.00pm and 12 plus at 7.15pm. For further information contact or call 083 1484494.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
The Beara West Family Resource Centre is based on Main Street, Castletownbere. The centre provides information, advice and support to individuals, families, and groups. They can link people in with services that best suit their needs and can assist with completing application forms. The centre can also link people in with a local counsellor or therapist for low-cost counselling. For details contact 027 70998.
Family Learning sessions, a four-week course has now started at Beara West, on Thursdays at 10.15am. The sessions aim to help parents and carers to make the most of the learning opportunities in everyday life, supporting babies and young children through play. For more information, contact Claire Kelleher at 083 1599748.
To celebrate National Culture Night, on Friday September 20th there will be a Culture Day in St Peter’s Garden, Castletownbere from 3.00pm to 5.00pm. All are invited to come along for a family fun-filled day with games with Martin Hegarty, family races, a face painter, a baby corner and much more. At 7.00pm there will be an outdoor family movie in the garden in collaboration with Castletownbere Development Association (if raining, check in with Beara West for an update). For further details contact Joanne on or phone 083 1135 077.
Throughout September and October there will be free sports taster sessions for primary school children in Beara offering the opportunity to try out a range of sports. Sports on offer include athletics, tennis, golf, kickboxing, GAA, horse-riding and soccer. Pre-registration is required, for further information and to book contact Joanne at or phone 083 1135 077.
The Joyful Space will take place at the centre on Thursday October 3rd at 5.00pm. Everyone is invited to come and enjoy a range of local musical talents. This event is run in conjunction with The West Cork Feel Good Festival. Refreshments available on the night. Pre-registration is required by contacting Joanne on 083 1135 077.
Monday 2nd September
Bere Island Men’s Shed
Bere Island Men’s Shed Group will hold their AGM on Thursday September 5th at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. All are welcome to attend.
Beara Big Bash
The Beara Big Bash community gathering will take place on Friday October 4th at 12.30pm in Berehaven Lodge, Castletownbere. There will be a 3 course meal, music and dancing. The cost is €10 per person and tickets must be booked by September the 26th. To book contact either Oscar at Bere Island Projects Group at 085 1679052, the Caha Centre on 027 60909 or the Beara West Family Resource Centre on 027 70998.
Bere Island After School
The Bere Island After School Group will restart after the summer holidays on Monday September 2nd from 3.15pm to 5.00pm at the community centre for all national school children on the island. Children’s GAA training has now resumed at the GAA pitch Rerrin on Thursdays at
Comhdhail Oileain na hEireann will hold their AGM on September the 18th and 19th on Inis Oirr. This will be the organisation’s 40th anniversary of representing the Irish islands. Anyone who would like to attend is asked to register their interest on the link on the group’s Facebook page.
Going forward for the next few months tours of Lonehort Battery, Bere Island are by appointment only. To book a tour please see the details on
Monday 26th August
Welcome to Bere Island Community Radio News Round Up
Heritage Week
Bere Island Projects Group extend their thanks to all who attended their Heritage Week events on the island. There was a very good attendance at the walk to Cloughland Tower and around the military heritage sites at Rerrin and an event at the Heritage Centre digitising island heritage collections.
Comhdhail Oileain na hEireann will hold their AGM on September the 18th and 19thon Inis Oirr. This will be the organisation’s 40th anniversary of representing the Irish islands. Anyone who would like to attend is asked to register their interest on the link on the group’s Facebook page.
Caha Centre
On Wednesday August 28th Caha Centre are organising a carers walk, talk and picnic at O’Sullivans, Eyeries from 11.00am to 1.00pm. There will be food available and participants are asked to bring sweet treats and snacks to share and a donation to the cost. Booking is essential by contacting Alvina on 027 70998 or Anne Marie on 027 60909.
Beara Shimmy Shakers
Beara Shimmy Shakers next dance event will take place on Sunday September the 8th at Berehaven Golf Club with dancing to Effie O’Neill from 9.00pm.
Heritage centre hot desks
High speed broadband workspace desks are available at the Bere Island Heritage Centre, with competitive daily and weekly rates. Booking is essential by contacting the heritage centre at 027 75956 or at
Monday 19th August
Heritage Week
National Heritage Week runs from August 17th to 25th with a number of events taking place on Bere Island. On Tuesday August 20th, Bere Island Projects Group will host a guided walk to Cloughland Martello Tower leaving from Murphy’s Shop Rerrin at 2.00pm. The walk will be led by island tour guide Teresa Hall. As part of the walk is on a hill trail, suitable footwear should be worn. On Wednesday August 21st there will be a guided walk around the military fortifications at Rerrin, Bere Island. Meet at Murphy’s Shop, Rerrin at 2.00pm. On Thursday August 22nd there will be a chance to bring old photos and documents relating to Bere Island’s heritage to have them digitised and displayed on the island’s online community archive. The event will take place at the Bere Island Heritage Centre from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. For further details contact or call 027 75099.
Comhdhail Oileain na hEireann will hold their AGM on September 18th and 19th on Inis Oirr. This will be the organisation’s 40th anniversary of representing the Irish islands. Anyone who would like to attend is asked to register their interest on the link on the group’s Facebook page.
Caha Centre
On Wednesday August 28th Caha Centre are organising a carers walk, talk and picnic at O’Sullivans, Eyeries from 11.00am to 1.00pm. There will be food available and participants are asked to bring sweet treats and snacks to share and a donation to the cost. Booking is essential by contacting Alvina on 027 70998 or Anne Marie on 027 60909.
Tours of Lonehort Battery, Bere Island take place on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays, meet at the main gate at 1pm. Tours cost €10 per person.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
The Beara West Family Resource Centre is based on Main Street, Castletownbere. The centre provides information, advice and support to individuals, families, and groups. They can link people in with services that best suit their needs and can assist with completing application forms. The centre can also link people in with a local counsellor or therapist for low-cost counselling. For details contact 027 70998.
The centre’s meeting rooms are now available for pre-booking on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings until 8.45pm. A limited printing service is also available on these evenings by pre-arrangement only.
The Parent and toddler group meet on Thursdays at 10.15am and welcome families in the area to come along for activities and chats.
Monday 22nd July
Bere Island Watersports Club will hold the first of their two sailing weeks starting this week. There are still a few places on the adults course, to book contact the office on 027 75099.
Fit Up Festival
The next performance of the 2024 West Cork Fit Up Theatre Festival will take place on Saturday July 27th. The Pigeon Factory is written and performed by Aaron O’Neill and directed by Dee Finn. The show starts at 8pm, with doors open from 7.30pm. Tickets are €15 each and available on the door. The full programme of shows are available on
Castletownbere RNLI
Castletownbere RNLI Station will have their open day on Sunday August the 4th from 2.30pm to 4.30pm, all are welcome to come along.
Heritage centre hot desks
High speed broadband workspace desks are available at the Bere Island Heritage Centre, with competitive daily and weekly rates. Booking is essential by contacting the heritage centre at 027 75956 or at
Summer Camps
Bere Island Projects Group will hold summer camps for children aged 6 to 13 years from Wednesday August 14th to Friday August 16th. The cost is €5 per child, booking is essential by contacting Oscar on 027 75099.
Bere Island Community First Responder Group are running a hands only CPR course on Wednesday August 7th at 10am and repeated at 2pm in the Community Centre. The course is open to everyone on the island, residents and visitors. Booking is essential by contact Teresa on 086 1621803.
Holy Year Cross
Mass will be held at the Bere Island Holy Year Cross on Saturday August 3rd at 2pm.
Tours of Lonehort Battery, Bere Island take place on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays, meet at the main gate at 1pm. Tours cost €10 per person.
Monday 15th July
Fit Up Festival
The next performance of the 2024 West Cork Fit Up Theatre Festival will take place in the Lecture Theatre on Saturday July the 20th. Sugar is written and performed by Michael Patric and directed by Geoff Gould. The show starts at 8pm, tickets are €15 each and available on the door. The full programme of shows are available on
Heritage centre hot desks
High speed broadband workspace desks are available at the Bere Island Heritage Centre, with competitive daily and weekly rates. Booking is essential by contacting the heritage centre at 027 75956 or at
Summer Camps
Bere Island Projects Group will hold summer camps for children aged 6 to 13 years from Monday July the 22ndto Wednesday July the 24th and from Wednesday August the 14th to Friday August the 16th. The cost is €5 per child, booking is essential by contacting Oscar on 027 75099.
Tours of Lonehort Battery take place on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays, meet at the main gate at 1pm. Tours cost €10 per person.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
The Beara West Family Resource Centre are based in the on Main Street, Castletownbere. The centre provides information, advice and support to individuals, families, and groups. They can link people in with services that best suit their needs and can assist with completing application forms. The centre can also link people in with a local counsellor or therapist for low-cost counselling. For details contact 027 70998.
Beara West would like to hear from individual and family carers to learn more about their experience and to give them a say in the service provided for carers at Beara West Family Resource Centre. The brief survey will take just 10 minutes to complete. Copies of the survey can be picked up from the centre or contact Alvina on 083 113 2529 to get the link for completing the survey online.
Monday 8th July
Fit Up Festival
Performances of the West Cork Fit Up Theatre Festival will take place on Bere Island on Saturday July the 13th, Saturday July the 20th, Saturday July the 27th and Saturday August the 3rd. All performances will take place at the Lecture Theatre Rerrin, starting at 8pm. The full programme of shows are available on Also, on Saturday August the 3rd there will be also be a matinee performance of clown theatre for children.
Heritage centre hot desks
High speed broadband workspace desks are available at the Bere Island Heritage Centre, with competitive daily and weekly rates. Booking is essential by contacting the heritage centre at 027 75956 or at
Summer Camps
Bere Island Projects Group will hold summer camps for children aged 6 to 13 years from Monday July the 22ndto Wednesday July the 24th and from Wednesday August the 14th to Friday August the 16th. The cost is €5 per child, for further details contact Oscar on 027 75099.
Tours of Lonehort Battery take place on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays, meet at the main gate at 1pm. Tours cost €10 per person.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
The Beara West Family Resource Centre are based in the on Main Street, Castletownbere. The centre provides information, advice and support to individuals, families, and groups. They can link people in with services that best suit their needs and can assist with completing application forms. The centre can also link people in with a local counsellor or therapist for low-cost counselling. For details contact 027 70998.
The Baby and Toddler Group are organising the following activities around Regatta Week in Castletownbere. On Thursday August 1st from 10.15am to 11.45am there will be Sailors, Fishermen & Pirates play time in St. Peter’s Church Garden (weather dependent) the cost is €5 per family. On Friday August 2nd and Friday August 9th at 9.30am there will be a Buggy walk leaving across from the Catcha Coffee trailer (close to Limar Marine). Walks are weather dependent.
New Baby
We offer our congratulations to Fiona Harrington and Dwane Rodgers of Bere Island and Donegal on the birth of their daughter Fiadh, a sister for Ethan.
Monday 1st July
John Walsh RIP
We offer our sincere sympathy to the family of John Walsh who passed away on Sunday July 23rd, to his wife Sheila, son Adam, daughters Laura and Aoife, his brother Lawrence and his sisters Caroline and Angela. John worked for Bere Island Projects Group for over 20 years and was responsible for a number instigating a number of key projects on the island.
Fit Up Festival
Performances of the West Cork Fit Up Theatre Festival will take place on Bere Island on Saturday July the 13th, Saturday July the 20th, Saturday July the 27th and Saturday August the 3rd. All performances will take place at the Lecture Theatre Rerrin, starting at 8pm. The full programme of shows will be available on later this week. Also, on Saturday August the 3rd there will be also be a matinee performance of clown theatre for children.
Castletownbere RNLI
A painting of a street scene of Castletownbere by artist Mick Green and sponsored by Monamar Shipping Agents is being raffled in aid of Castletownbere RNLI lifeboat. Tickets are €10 and available from the Lifeboat Station and shop and also O’Donoghue’s Bar. The draw will take place on Friday August the 9th at 8.00pm in O’Donoghue’s Bar.
On Saturday August 3rd a free public concert featuring renowned Spanish harpist and singer Pilar Paradela will take place at Scoil an Chroi Ro Naofa, Castletownbere at 7.00pm. The event is part of the RNLI’s 200 Years of Saving Lives at Sea and is sponsored by the Spanish Embassy of Ireland.
Beara Shimmy Shakers
Beara Shimmy Shakers will hold their next dance event on Sunday July the 14th at Berehaven Golf Club from 9.00pm with dancing to Stevie Donegan.
Summer Camps
Bere Island Projects Group will hold summer camps for children aged 6 to 13 years from Monday July the 22ndto Wednesday July the 24th and from Wednesday August the 14th to Friday August the 16th. The cost is €5 per child, for further details contact Oscar on 027 75099.
Monday 17th June
Military Heritage
Bere Island Projects Group are holding the 2024 Bere Island Military Heritage Festival over the weekend of Saturday June 22nd and Sunday June 23rd in the Drill Hall Rerrin. The festival will feature an exhibition of the island’s military heritage and will feature talks from island historian Ted O’Sullivan, Michael Kennedy of the Royal Irish Academy, Noelle Grothier of the Irish Military Archives, Dr Rory Finnegan, Professor of Military History at Maynooth, retired army officer Owen Foley who will talk on the guns of Lonehort Battery, Fachtna O’Donovan from the Beara Historical Society, and historian Tony MacCarthy. The festival is funded by Cork County Council West Cork Islands Community Funding Scheme. The full schedule is available on
Tidy Towns
The judges for the Tidy Towns competition will be around over the coming few months, and Bere Island Tourism and Environment Group are asking everyone to help keep the island tidy during this time.
Beara FET
Beara Further Education and Training Centre have a number of courses starting in the autumn at their premises at the North Road, Castletownbere. These include computer and office skills, horticulture, sewing and textiles, Irish language and English classes for beginners. For further details contact Noreen on 086 8239147.
Monday 27th May
Save the Date
Bere Island Projects Group are holding the 2024 Bere Island Military Heritage Festival over the weekend of Saturday June 22nd and Sunday June 23rd in the Drill Hall Rerrin. The festival will feature an exhibition of the island’s military heritage along with, and will feature talks from Ted Sullivan, Michael Kennedy of the Royal Irish Academy, the Irish Military Archives, Dr Rory Finegan, Professor of Military History at Maynooth, and many more. The festival is funded by Cork County Council West Cork Islands Community Funding Scheme. Further details will be announced over the coming week.
Butte to Beara
Allihies Parish Coop will be hosting a meet and greet evening on Tuesday May 28th at 7.30pm at the Copper Mines Café for a group visiting from Bute Montana. All are welcome to come along.
Bantry and Beara Cardiac Support Group
The next meeting of the Bantry and Beara Cardiac Support Group will be held on Tuesday May 28th at 8.00pm in the Meeting Room, at the Primary Care Centre, Bantry. A guest speaker will give a presentation on a cardiac related topic. All those in the Bantry and Beara areas who have suffered a cardiac event are welcome to attend.
Beara FET
The Beara Further Education and Training Centre have a number of courses starting in the autumn at their premises at the North Road, Castletownbere. These include computer and office skills, horticulture, sewing and textiles, Irish language and English classes for beginners. For further details contact Noreen on 086 8239147.
Monday 19th May
Beara Historical Society
The Beara Historical Society will present a talk by Tom Mahon on his book The Ballycotton Job on Thursday May 23rd at 8.00pm at the National School on Church Lane / the Back Road in Castletownbere. The Ballycotton Job is an account of the IRA’s seizure of the HMS Upnor, en route from Cork to Plymouth, in March 1922. The Upnor was diverted to Ballycotton, where its cargo of arms and ammunition was unloaded and spirited away on a fleet of vehicles. One of those who participated in the operation was Con O’Sullivan of Kilmacowen, Eyeries.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
The Beara West Family Resource Centre are based in the former Credit Union building on Main Street, Castletownbere. The centre provides information, advice and support to individuals, families, and groups. They can link people in with services that best suit their needs and can assist with completing application forms. The centre can also link people in with a local counsellor or therapist for low-cost counselling. For details contact027 70998.
The Singing for the Brain group meet on Wednesdays in the centre from 2pm to 3.30pm. This friendly group sing together, and share stories, poems and new members are welcome at any time. The Parent and toddler group meet on Thursdays at 10.15am and welcome families in the area to come along for activities and chats.
The centre’s services for older people in the community include meal deliveries on Thursdays, with locally prepared meals costing €5, arranging monitored personal alarms which offer reassurance and peace of mind for individuals living alone; and regular social phone calls to keep people in touch with the community. If you, or someone you know, might benefit from any or all of these services, please contact the centre at 027 70998.
Monday 13th May
Bere Island Storytelling Festival
The Bere Island Storytelling Festival will take place over the weekend of Saturday May 18th and Sunday May 19th at the Lecture Theatre (former Camp Church) Rerrin. The event will feature Beara storyteller Teddy Black and workshops on oral history from oral historian Dr Angela Maye-Banbury. For further details see contact or 027 75099.
Bearas Got Talent
Beara’s Got Talent”, a concert in aid of Cancer Connect, will be presented on Sunday May 19th at 7.30pm in the Church of the Sacred Heart in Castletownbere. Cancer Connect is a charity located in Bantry which provides transportation to Cork for cancer patients living in Beara. Participants include the Castletownbere Church Choir, two local piano students, a storyteller, the children’s choir of Scoil an Chroí Naofa, the Bearettes (a local vocal trio), the Beara Community Singers, a local poet and a traditional music group.
Charity Fashion Show
A charity fashion show presented by students from FET Beara and featuring Scoil Phobhail Bheara will take place on Sunday May 19th at the St Vincent de Paul Shop, Castletownbere from 3.00pm to 5.00pm. The show will feature pre-loved outfits from St Vincent de Paul and will showcase sustainable fashion and upcycling. Entry is €5 and free for under 16s. All proceeds raised will go to St Vincent de Paul, Castletownbere.
Pop-Up Brain Cafe
On Wednesday May 15th there will be a pop-up Brain Health Information Café at the Meeting Room, adjacent to the sports ground in Eyeries. All are welcome to attend to learn how you can prevent or decrease your chances of developing dementia. There will be presentations from Vanessa Bradbury, Dementia Adviser with The Alzheimer Society of Ireland; Teresa Bohane, Advanced Nurse Practitioner; Gwen Enright, Nutritionist with Food for The Brain; and Laura Hadley, Singing for The Brain Facilitator. This event is being organised, in conjunction with Bere Island Projects Group and The Caha Centre. For more information contact 027 70998.
Monday 6th May
Darkness into Light
Castletownbere will celebrate the tenth anniversary of holding a Darkness into Light event in the town on Saturday May 11th starting at 4.15am, the starting point for the walk will be at CatchaCoffee on the pier. For further details and to register see
Bere Island Tidy Towns
Anyone who would like to help prepare Bere Island ahead of the Tidy Towns, by helping with litter picks, or planting, weeding and watering any of the planted areas and tubs around the island is asked to contact the office on 75099 and litter pickers, bags and gloves can be provided.
Tess Leaks
Artist Tess Leaks will hold a public meeting on Wednesday May the 8th at 2pm in the Community Centre Bere Island to discuss her new project, Birds and Beasts which will take place on the seven West Cork Islands. All islanders are invited to come along.
Brain Health Pop-Up Cafe
A Brain Health Pop-up Cafe will be held on Wednesday May 15th in the Meeting Rooms, GAA, Eyeries from 11.00am to 1.00pm. Gwen Enright will facilitate a talk on eating well for your brain. There will also be an Introduction to singing for the brain. Vanessa Bradbury from the (Alzheimer Society) Theresa Bohane a (Dementia Specialist HSE) will be in attendance. The event is organised by the Caha Centre, Bere Island Projects Group and the Beara West Family Resource Centre. Light refreshments available.
Monday 22nd April
Community Health Day
A Community Health and Wellbeing Day will take place at Berehaven Golf Club, Castletownbere on Tuesday April 30th from 11.00am to 1.00pm. The event will be hosted by Cork Kerry Community Healthcare and the HSE in partnership with Beara West Family Resource Centre, Bere Island Projects Group and The Caha Centre. This is a free event and light refreshments will be served. There will be a talk on Diabetes Prevention and Community mental health and recovery For further information, please contact Liz O’Driscoll at 086 856 0319.
Effie Neil
Effie Neill, Beara’s very own Irish country star will be in Allihies Community Hall on Friday May 17th for a night of music and social dancing. Doors open at 8.30pm with dancing from Tickets are €15 and available in advance at Eventbrite .ie or on the door on the night.
Camera Club
Beara Camera Club will hold their next meeting on Monday May the 6th at 8.00pm in MacCarthy’s Bar. All are welcome to attend. For further details contact
John O’Sullivan RIP
We extend our sympathies to the late John O’Sullivan, Ardagh, Bere Island who died on April 13th. May John Rest in Peace.
Monday 15th April
Community Health Day
A Community Health and Wellbeing Day will take place at Berehaven Golf Club, Castletownbere on Tuesday April 30th from 11.00am to 1.00pm. The event will be hosted by Cork Kerry Community Healthcare and the HSE in partnership with Beara West Family Resource Centre, Bere Island Projects Group and The Caha Centre. This is a free event and light refreshments will be served. There will be a talk on Diabetes Prevention and Community mental health and recovery For further information, please contact Liz O’Driscoll at 086 856 0319.
Lehanmore Theatre present the play Home Rule and Beara Women of the Irish Revolution; Extraordinary, Ordinarily Women on Saturday April 20th at 8.00pm at Lehanmore Community Centre. Written and performed by Karen Minihan it will also include a short play performed by Pauline O’Driscoll. Tickets are €15 and are available on the door or to book phone 087 9810518.
Bere Island Arts Festival
This year’s Bere Island Arts Festival will feature a exhibition – ‘7 Islands Art Exhibition’ which is open to the 7 West Cork Islands and to those who have roots on these islands. For further details on how to submit your work see www The Bere Island Arts Festival from September the19th to the 22nd
Lifeboat shop
The Castletownbere RNLI shop at the lifeboat station will be open on Fridays from 10.30am to 2.30pm, Saturdays from 10.30am to 2.30pm and Sundays from 12pm to 3pm.
Camera Club
Beara Camera Club will hold their next meeting on Monday May 6th at 8.00pm in MacCarthy’s Bar. All are welcome to attend. For further details contact
Monday 8th April
Spring Clean
The Bere Island Tourism and Environment Group have had to postpone their Spring Clean last weekend due to Storm Kathleen, it will now take place next weekend, Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th April. The weekend will start on Saturday April 13th, when everyone is asked to meet at the community centre at 12 noon for a safety briefing and to collect bags. All are encouraged to take part, to help keep the island and clean and litter free.
Daffodil Day Fundraiser
The Irish Cancer Society have extended their thanks to everyone who helped and supported the recent Daffodil Day collection in Castletownbere, a total of €2516.20 was raised. Thanks were also extended to Lorraine, Chris and staff at Murphy’s Supervalu for hosting the collectors on the day.
Bere Island Arts Festival
This year’s Bere Island Arts Festival will feature a exhibition – ‘7 Islands Art Exhibition’ which is open to the 7 West Cork Islands and to those who have roots on these islands. For further details on how to submit your work see www The Bere Island Arts Festival from September the19th to the 22nd
Beara Shimmy Shakers
Beara Shimmy Shakers will hold their next dance night on Sunday April 14th at the Berehaven Golf Club with dancing to Jerry Mac in Autumn Gold. The band will start at 9pm and there will also be a raffle on the night.
Caha Centre
West Cork Social Prescribing along with Cork Co. Council present: Ukulele-le-Cheile : Kevin Mcnally will be giving free workshops on how to play the Ukulele on Thursday April 11th and 18th in the Beara West Family Resource Centre Castletownbere from 2 to 4pm each day. Booking essential as spaces are limited. Please contact or call 021-4346210 to book. Tai-Chi classes will take place in Ardgroom House on Tuesday April the 9th and 16th at 11am., the cost is €10 per person.
Beara Animal Sanctuary
The Beara Farm Animal Sanctuary are holding a fundraising prize draw with a number of prizes on offer including a new mountain bike, a pet portrait, and many other prizes. All money raised will go to paying for animal feed for the sanctuary. Tickets are €5 each, for further details see the Beara Farm Animal Sanctuary Facebook page.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
The Beara West Family Resource Centre are based in the former Credit Union building on Main Street, Castletownbere. The centre provides information, advice and support to individuals, families, and groups. They can link people in with services that best suit their needs and can assist with completing application forms. The centre can also link people in with a local counsellor or therapist for low-cost counselling. For details contact027 70998.
The Singing for the Brain group will continue on Wednesdays after Easter, resuming on April the 17th from 2pm to 3.30pm. This friendly group sing together, and share stories, poems and new members are welcome at any time.
A Community Health and Wellbeing Day will take place at Berehaven Golf Club, Castletownbere on Tuesday April the 30th from 11.00am to 1.00pm. The event will be hosted by Cork Kerry Community Healthcare, the HSE in partnership with Beara West Family Resource Centre, Bere Island Projects Group and The Caha Centre. For further information, please contact Liz O’Driscoll at 086 856 0319.
The Parent and toddler group meet on Thursdays at 10.15am and welcome families in the area to come along for activities and chats.
Monday 18th March 2024
Lifelong Learning Festival
Beara ETB are holding a number of free one-off workshops in Castletownbere this April as part of this year’s Lifelong Learning Festival which include an introduction to genealogy, a workshop on from stress to wellness, a workshop Turkish Iznik, a DIY class and a cooking demo. For further details and to book contact Noreen on 086 8239147 or
Bere Island Arts Festival Fundraiser
Bere Island Arts Festival will host a fundraising gig with folk duo The Oars on Easter Saturday March 30th to raise funds for the 2024 festival. Bere Island Ferries and Murphy’s Ferry will both operate a late ferry leaving Bere Island at 11.00pm that evening. For further details see
Bere Island Women Create will hold their AGM on Friday March 29th at 7.30pm in the Community Centre, all are welcome to attend.
St Vincent de Paul
St Vincent de Paul Beara are launching a special education and industrial fund to support and encourage individuals with ideas and initiatives to start up their own businesses. Since 2006 SVP Castletownbere has been providing help and assistance to the people of the Beara peninsula and the organisation now finds itself in a position to offer grants to support start-ups or expansion of existing businesses and encourage further education and upskilling. Finance is awarded after a rigorous process entailing a detailed application form and an interview. Application forms are now available from the SVP shop Castletownbere.
Beara Shimmy Shakers
Beara Shimmy Shakers will hold their next dance night on Sunday April 14th at the Berehaven Golf Club with dancing to Jerry Mac in Autumn Gold. The band will start at 9pm and there will also be a raffle on the night.
Caha Centre
Caha Childcare is recruiting for an experienced Childcare Manager FETAC/QQI Level 6 for their childcare in Adrigole. For further information email to The closing date for all applications is 4pm on Friday March 29th.
Spring Clean
The Bere Island Tourism and Environment Group will hold a Spring Clean weekend across the island on the Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th April.
Monday 11th March 2024
The Castletownbere St. Patrick’s Day Parade take place next Sunday March 17th and promises to be a great day out for all the family. Bere Island community radio will be live in the square at 11am, and there will be live music in the square by Garnish Sound. The parade will start at 3pm sharp led by piper Etienne Baranger and will take the usual route to the West End and back to the square, Where the winners will be announced. There will also be a fundraising raffle with the first prize sponsored by SuperValu. Anyone participating in the parade is asked to line up at the West End of the Pier at 2.20pm to allow for a prompt start. For further information or to enter a float please contact Anne Marie Cronin on 087 2386068.
Lifelong Learning Festival
Beara ETB are holding a number of free one-off workshops in Castletownbere this April as part of this year’s Lifelong Learning Festival which include an introduction to genealogy, a workshop on from stress to wellness, a workshop Turkish Iznik, a DIY class and a cooking demo. For further details and to book contact Noreen on 086 8239147 or
Bere Island Arts Festival
Bere Island Arts Festival will host a fundraising gig with folk duo The Oars on Easter Saturday March 30th to raise funds for the 2024 festival. Bere Island Ferries and Murphy’s Ferry will both operate a late ferry leaving Bere Island at 11.00pm that evening.
Tickets are on sale through Eventbrite. For further details see
The Arts Festival committee will hold their AGM on Friday March 29th at 7.30pm.
St Vincent de Paul
St Vincent de Paul Beara are launching a special fund to support and encourage people in Beara who want to start their own business or take educational courses. For further details contact 083 3561132.
Spring Clean
The Bere Island Tourism and Environment Group will hold a Spring Clean weekend across the island on the Saturday the 6th and Sunday the 7th April. Further details will be announced shortly.
Beara Education Centre
Sustainable sewing and upcycling will start on Thursdays from 11:30am -2:30pm for 8 weeks at the Beara Education Centre on the North Road. The course is free of charge. To book contact Noreen on 086 8239147.
Youth Theatre
Castletownbere Youth Theatre will hold a workshop – Exploration through Movement in Drama on Wednesday March 20th from 6.00pm to 8.00pm at Castletownbere National School. The workshop will be facilitated by Lisa Joyce and is for children aged 10 + For further details and to book contact 083 143 4494.
Joe Rooney
A celebration of Father Ted with Joe Rooney will take place at Lehanmore Community Centre on Saturday March 16th at 6.30pm. Tickets are €20 and can be booked by contacting 087 9810518
Beara West Family Resource Centre
The Beara West Family Resource Centre are expanding their services and team, and as a result, they have moved premises. to the former Credit Union building on Main Street, Castletownbere. The centre provides information, advice and support to individuals, families, and groups. They can link people in with services that best suit their needs and can assist with completing application forms. The centre can also link people in with a local counsellor or therapist for low-cost counselling. For details contact 027 70998.
Monday 5th March 2024
Beara Historical Society
On Wednesday March 6th at 8.00pm in the National School Castletownbere, The Beara Historical Society will host a talk by Dr Robert Devoy of UCC on the 1755 Lisbon earthquake and tsunamis. The earthquake in Lisbon, in November 1755, unleashed a series of tsunamis that bore down on Brazil to the west, North Africa to the south, and Ireland and Britain to the north. Dr Devoy will discuss the past and future significance of the tsunami’s impact on the Irish coast. All are welcome to attend.
Church News
A series of public meetings is taking place currently throughout the Diocese of Kerry with the aim of gathering opinions regarding the future of all Parishes in the Diocese. The meeting for the Parish of Castletownbere, Rossmacowen and Bere Island will be held in Scoil an Chroí Ró-Naofa, Castletownbere, at 7.30pm on Wednesday March 6th. In preparation for this meeting, the Bishop of Kerry, Ray Brown, has issued a letter, which can be accessed on the Diocesan Website,, where he asks people to consider three questions in advance of the public meeting. All are welcome to attend.
St Vincent de Paul
St Vincent de Paul Beara are launching a special fund to support and encourage people in Beara who want to start their own business or take educational courses. For further details contact 083 3561132.
Youth Theatre
Castletownbere Youth Theatre will hold a workshop – Exploration through Movement in Drama on Wednesday March 20th from 6.00pm to 8.00pm at Scoil an Croi Ro Nafofa. The workshop will be facilitated by Lisa Joyce and is for children aged 10 + For further details and to book contact 083 143 4494.
Monday 26th February 2024
National Broadband Ireland are currently undertaking survey work on Bere Island in preparation for high-speed fibre broadband being installed on the island. It is estimated that the fibre network will be ready for use on the island between October to December 2025. It is important that people register their interest now that they wish to be connected to the fibre network so that plans can be put in place for the necessary infrastructure. To register see or if you require assistance in registering please contact the Projects Group Office.
Bere Island Projects Group have a number of trees available for islanders, and more will be delivered shortly as part of National Tree Week. If you would like some trees please contact Oscar at the Projects Group office.
Walking Group
The Bere Island Walking Group meet every Tuesday evening at 7.00pm at the Community Centre. All ages, and all levels of fitness are welcome to come along and nobody is left behind! Please wear a hi-vis.
Cardiac Support Group
The next meeting of the Bantry and Beara Cardiac Support Group will take place on Tuesday February 27th at 8.00pm in the Christian Fellowship Building Bantry. The Presentation this month will be given by Dr Ruth Campbell Risk Factors for Heart Disease. Blood pressure monitoring will also be available from 7.30pm. Any person in the Beara or Bantry area who has suffered a cardiac event, has cardiac related concerns and their family members are welcome to attend.
All Islands
This year’s All Islands Football Tournament will take place on Aranmore Island in Donegal on Friday 24th and Friday 25th of May. Men’s and women’s teams from Bere Island will travel to Aranmore. If any supporters are planning to travel and need accommodation please contact Oscar at 085 1679052.
Beara Camera Club
Beara Camera Club will hold their next monthly meeting on Monday March the 4th at 8.00pm in MacCarthy’s Bar, Castletownbere. For further details contact
Beara West Family Resource Centre
The Beara West Family Resource Centre provides information, advice and support to families, individuals and groups. The centre can provide access to low-cost counselling through its links with local counsellors and therapists. To talk to any of the team, call into the centre which is open Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm (closed 1.00pm to 2.00pm for lunch) or call 027 70998.
Creative Writing for family carers will start at the centre on Tuesday March 5th and run for four weeks from 11.00am to 1.00pm. Carers will have the opportunity to explore creative writing in a relaxed and friendly environment, taking time for themselves, along with other carers, and have a try at different styles of writing. The facilitator will be Paddy O’Conor, who has given many workshops and courses on creative writing. The cost of the course is €20. To book contact Alvina at 027 70998 or 083 1125 299.
Older people in the community are invited to come along to the Beara Community Gathering at the Berehaven Lodge, Castletownbere on March 22nd at 12.30pm. There will be a three-course meal, live music, dancing and a fun raffle. The cost is €10 per head and transport to and from the venue is available on request. Booking is essential by contacting Liz at Beara West Family Resource Centre at 027 70998 or Ann-Maire at The Caha Centre at 027 60909.
Happy Birthday to Amy Orpen and Luke Sidley who both celebrated their 18th birthdays in the past week, and to Jim ‘Sonny’ Murphy of Boston and Greenane who will celebrate his 94th birthday later this week.
Monday 19th February 2024
National Broadband Ireland will hold a public meeting on Monday February 19th at 7.00pm in the Community Centre. They will give a presentation and update on fibre broadband, all are welcome to attend.
Bere Island Projects Group have a number of trees available for islanders, and more will be delivered shortly as part of National Tree Week. If you would like some trees please contact Oscar at the Projects Group office.
Walking Group
The Bere Island Walking Group meet every Tuesday evening at 7.00pm at the Community Centre. All ages, and all levels of fitness are welcome to come along and nobody is left behind! Please wear a hi-vis.
Beara Shimmy Shakers
Beara Shimmy Shakers will hold their next dance night on Sunday March 10th at Berehaven Golf Club from 9pm with music from Paudie Coffey and Band.
White Good
A white goods collection will take place on Bere Island at the end of this month, please ensure that any items with a plug or battery are dropped to Oilean na gCaorach by 9.00am on Monday February 26th.
Safe Pass Course
There will be a Safe Pass course in the Caha Centre, Adrigole on Saturday March 30th, to book or for more details please ring Euro safety on 029-52967.
Bingo is held every Tuesday night at 8pm in the Caha Centre Adrigole.
Beara Camera Club
Beara Camera Club will be running a four week photography course in MacCarthy’s Bar, Castletownbere starting on Tuesday February 20th at 8.00pm. The course is free and all are welcome to attend. For further details contact
Monday 5th February 2024
St Patrick’s Day Parade
The organisers of the Castletownbere St Patrick’s Day Parade are hoping that the 2024 parade on Sunday March 17th will be the biggest ever, any groups, clubs or individuals who would like to participate in the parade are asked to contact Anne Marie on 087 2386068.
Beara Shimmy Shakers
Beara Shimmy Shakers will hold a special Valentine’s dance event on Sunday February the 11th at 9.00pm at Berehaven Golf Club. Dancing will be to The Singing Jarvey, entry is €10, there will be a raffle on the night and all are welcome to attend.
Bere Island Men’s Shed
The Bere Island Men’s Shed Group meet every Thursday evening at 7.30pm in the Community Centre, all are welcome to come along. If anyone needs transport to and from the men’s shed, please call the office on 027 75099.
Tourism Group
The Bere Island Tourism and Environment Group will hold their AGM on Tuesday February the 13th at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. The group are responsible for organising tourism events on the island, running the recycling centre and the waste management operation and for the island’s entry into the Tidy Town’s competition. All are invited to attend and new members are welcome.
Monday 22nd January 2024
Bere Island Men’s Shed
The Bere Island Men’s Shed Group meet every Thursday evening at 7.30pm in the Community Centre, all are welcome to come along. If anyone needs transport to and from the men’s shed, please call the office on 027 75099.
Tourism Group
The Bere Island Tourism and Environment Group will hold their AGM on Tuesday February 13th at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. The group are responsible for organising tourism events on the island, running the recycling centre and the waste management operation and for the island’s entry into the Tidy Town’s competition. All are invited to attend and new members are welcome.
Bantry and Beara Cardiac Support Group
The next meeting of the Bantry and Beara Cardiac Support Group will take place on Tuesday January 30th at 8.00pm in the Christian Fellowship Building, Bantry. This meeting will also be the group’s AGM. Anyone in the Beara and Bantry area who has suffered a cardiac event, has cardiac related concerns and their family members are welcome to attend.
The Bere Island Active Retirement Group meet for a coffee morning every Thursday from 11.00am in the Community Centre. All are welcome to come along and if anyone needs transport to and from the community centre please contact the office on 027 75099.
Castletownbere Youth Theatre
Castletownbere Youth Theatre will recommence on Wednesday January the 24thwith ages 10 to 12 at 6.00pm and 12 plus from 7.15pm. Classes will take place at Scoil an Chroi Ro Naofa. New members are always welcome. For further details contact 083 1484494.
Monday 15th January 2024
Bere Island Festival
The Bere Island Festival Committee will hold a meeting on Monday January 15th at 8.00pm in the Community Centre to plan the 2024 Festival. All are welcome to attend.
Oilean na gCaorach Meeting
Bere Island Projects Group will hold a meeting on Tuesday January 16th at 9.00pm in the Community Centre to draw up a plan of works for Oilean na gCaorach, all are welcome to attend.
Caha Centre
Foot Health Practitioner Noreen Cronin will be in the Caha House Ardgroom on Tuesday January 23rd. To book an appointment please call the Caha Centre on 027 60909. Free Ipad and Smartphone classes in the Ardgroom and Adrigole Caha Centre will start shortly, in Adrigole from Friday January 19th from 10am to 12 noon for 6 weeks and Ardgroom classes start Wednesday January 24th January for 6 weeks from 10am – 12noon. Please bring your own Ipad or smartphone. Call 086 8239147 to book a place. Bingo will recommence in the Caha Centre Adrigole on Tuesday January the 16th.
Cork College of Further Education
The Cork College of Further Education Beara have a number of courses starting at their centre on the North Road Castletownbere. Courses include English for beginners, computer skills, cooking courses, office skills, arts and crafts, gardening, Irish for beginners and much more. For further information and to book a course contact 086 8239147.
SVP Beara
Castletownbere St Vincent de Paul is available to help anyone in need this winter. Calls can be made in strictest confidence to 083 356 1132.
Monday 11th December 2023
The Bere Island Christmas Newsletter is now on sale, priced 5 euro from Murphy’s Shop, Rerrin and Murphys Supervalu Castletownbere. The newsletter is published by Bere Island Projects Group who extend their thanks to all who contributed to the newsletter, especially the pupils of St Michael’s National School who designed the front cover.
Christmas Concert
St Michael’s National School Bere Island and the Bere Island Choir will hold a Christmas Concert on Thursday December 21st at St Michael’s Church, Bere Island at 6pm.
West Cork Islands
The West Cork Islands Community Council will hold their AGM on Thursday December 14th at 11.00am in the Sherkin Island, Community Hall. A ferry will leave Baltimore at 10.30am.
Next Sunday, December 17th Bere Island Community Radio will be broadcasting their annual Christmas show live from the Hotel. Wherever you are in the world, If you would like to request a song, or send Christmas greetings to your friends and family, you can do so by sending a message to the station or recording your greeting. They can be sent via WhatsApp to 353 831 511100. And you can find that number again on the Bere Island Community Radio Facebook page.
Christmas Panto
Lehanmore Community Centre will present their Christmas panto Treasure Ireland preceded by Oisín in Tír na nóg on Friday December 15th and Saturday December 16th at Lehanmore Community Centre with curtains at 8.00pm each evening. Tickets are €10, to book contact 027 73911. There will also be a raffle on the night.
Monday 4th December 2023
Christmas Concert
St Michael’s National School Bere Island and the Bere Island Choir will hold a Christmas Concert on Thursday December 21st at St Michael’s Church, Bere Island at 6pm.
The Bere Island Festival Committee will hold their AGM on Monday December 11that 8.00pm in the Community Centre. All are welcome to attend.
Christmas Market
Transition year students at Scoil Phobail Bheara will hold a Christmas Market at the Square, Castletownbere on Thursday December 7th from 10.00am selling handmade candles and soaps, baked goods, ornaments and much more.
West Cork Islands
The West Cork Islands Community Council will hold their AGM on Thursday December 14th at 11.00am in the Sherkin Island, Community Hall. A ferry will leave Baltimore at 10.30am.
Christmas in Castletownbere
Castletownbere Development Association will be holding a Christmas Market with over 35 stalls of local produce, arts and crafts on Saturday December 9th from 11.00am to 2.00pm in the Halla of Scoil an Chroí Ró Naofa, Castletownbeere. The Castletownbere Christmas lights will be switched on on Saturday December 9th at 7.30pm in the Square with mulled wine and mince pies for all.
Castletownbere Youth Theatre
Castletownbere Youth Theatre will stage A Winter Miscellany on Sunday December 10th at 3.00pm at Scoil an Chroi Ro Naofa, Castletownbere. Tickets are available on
Beara Shimmy Shakers
Beara Shimmy Shakers will hold dancing to One for the Road with Michael Hyde on Sunday December 10th from 9.00pm at Berehaven Golf Club. Entry is €10 and there will be a raffle on the night.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
The Beara West Family Resource Centre provides information, advice and support to families, individuals and groups. The centre can provide access to low-cost counselling through its links with local counsellors and therapists. To talk to any of the team, call into the centre which is open Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm (closed 1.00pm to 2.00pm for lunch) or call 027 70998.
The centre will hold its Christmas party on Wednesday December the 13th from 11.00am to 1.00pm, all are welcome to come along for some Christmas treats.
Monday 27th November
Daniel (Donie) Crowley RIP
We offer our sincere sympathy to the family of Daniel (Donie) Crowley who died on November 24th. May Donie Rest in Peace.
The Bere Island Festival Committee will hold their AGM on Monday December the 11th at 8.00pm in the Community Centre. All are welcome to attend.
Cardiac Group
The next meeting of the Bantry Cardiac Support Group will take place on Tuesday November 28th at 8pm in the Christian Fellowship Building Bantry. As usual, there will be a Presentation on a cardiac related topic. Any person in the Beara or Bantry area who has suffered a cardiac event, has cardiac related concerns and their family members are welcome to attend.
West Cork Islands
The West Cork Islands Community Council will hold their AGM on Thursday December 14th at 11.00am in the Sherkin Island, Community Hall. A ferry will leave Baltimore at 10.30am.
Beara Shimmy Shakers
Beara Shimmy Shakers will hold dancing to One for the Road with Michael Hyde on Sunday December the 10th from 9.00pm at Berehaven Golf Club. Entry is €10 and there will be a raffle on the night.
Monday 20th November
St Vincent de Paul
The St Vincent de Paul Shop in Castletownbere will hold a black Friday sale from Wednesday November 22nd to Saturday November 25th, with many items reduced. Castletownbere St Vincent de Paul is available to help anyone in need in the area. They can be contacted in strictest confidence at 083 356 1132.
Berehaven Red Cross
The Berehaven Red Cross Defibrillator Group are holding a training course on Saturday November 25th in the Eyeries meeting rooms starting at 10.00am. Participants will learn how to perform CPR and use a defibrillator. For further information or to book contact 087 2771898. If this date isn’t suitable your details can be taken for any future courses.
Mary K Exhibition
An Exhibition by Bere Island Artist Mary Sullivan, From the Inside Out and From the Outside In is currently on at the Uillinn West Cork Arts Centre and will run unitll December the 24th. For further details see
Christmas is coming
Castletownbere Development Association (CDA) will hold a Christmas craft and food fair on Saturday December 9th from 11.00am at the Halla at Scoil an Chroi Ro Naofa. To book a table contact 087 2927534. The CDA will hold a drive through with Santa in the grounds of St Peter’s Castletownbere on Sunday December 10th from 4pm to 6pm. The cost is €10 per child which inlchdes a gift and photo with santa. To book text 086 8953921 with the children’s name, age, gender and car registaration. Bookings close on November 30th.
Camera Club
The next meeting of the Beara Camera Club will take place on Monday December 4th at 8pm in MacCarthy’s Bar, Castletownbere. All are welcome to attend. For further details contct
Monday 6th November
Bere Island Projects Group will hold their AGM next Wednesday November 8th at 7.00pm in the Community Centre. All are welcome to attend.
Mary Sullivan Exhibition
An Exhibition by Bere Island Artist Mary Sullivan, From the Inside Out and From the Outside In will open at the Uillinn West Cork Arts Centre on Saturday November 22nd at 2.00pm, and will run until December 24th. For further details see
Beara AC
The fourth and final of the Beara AC 5 Mile Race series will be held in Eyeries next Saturday November 11th at 2.30pm. For details on registering see the Beara AC Facebook page.
Beara Film Fest
Submissions are now open for the 2024 Beara Film Fest. Films should be a minimum of twenty minutes in duration, in the English language or if in Irish or a European language it should be clearly subtitled. The director must be living in, or from County Cork and the film must have been filmed from January 1st 2022. The closing date for all submissions is Friday February 9th 2024. For further details see the Beara Film Fest Facebook page.
Beara Camera Club
The next meeting of the Beara Camera Club will take place on Monday November 6th at 8.00pm in MacCarthy’s Bar Castletownbere. For further details contact
Winter is coming and Castletownbere St Vincent de Paul is available to help anyone in need in the area. They can be contacted in strictest confidence at 083 356 1132.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
The Beara West Family Resource Centre are hodlig a series of Parent and Baby Talks which started on Friday November 3rd and will run for four weeks. This series of talks is for parents and babies (0-12 months) and is an opportunity for parents to meet and connect with other parents and share experiences. Miriam Sheehan will present on postnatal care and exercise. Sinéad Moore will deliver a workshop on herbs and nutrition for the 4th trimester (& beyond). Gerard O’Donoghue will facilitate Infant First Aid. Leemore Butler will be running a session on baby massage. The talks will be every Friday from 10.30am to 12.00pm in The Courtyard at Beara West Family Resource Centre. For more information, contact Claire on 027 70998.
Monday 23rd October
Beara Historical Society
The Beara Historical Society will hold their next meeting on Thursday November 2nd at 8.00pm in Scoil an Chroi Ro Naofa, North Road, Castletownbere. Maximilian Le Cain will speak about the history, real and imagined, of lrish cinema that takes his personal relationship with the Beara peninsula as a starting point. Everyone is welcome to attend and there is a 5 euro donation for non-members. Annual membership of the society is €15 for one person or €20 for a family.
Bere Island Projects Group will hold their AGM on Wednesday November 8th at 7.00pm in the Community Centre. All are welcome to attend.
Men’s Group
Ardgroom and Lauragh Men’s Group will be hosting a night of storytelling and song with Teddy Black on Thursday November 2nd at 8pm in Ardgroom House . The cost is €5 per person and all men are welcome to attend.
Berehaven Golf Club
Berehaven Golf Club is holding a RACE NIGHT on Sunday, October the 29th October at 8.30pm. All 10 horse races have been sponsored by local businesses and the horses, owners, trainers and jockeys have been purchased by local pundits. Entry which includes race programme is free and betting with odds on each race will be available. There will be prizes for best dressed lady and gent. All proceeds will go to support Berehaven Golf Club Juniors Program.
Monday 16th October
Red Cross
Berehaven Red Cross defibrillator group urgently need funds to ensure that the defibs in the parishes of Eyeries. Ardgroom and Castletownbere are properly maintained with in date batteries and pads. They are organising a bucket collection in Castletownbere on Friday October 27th from 10 am to 3 pm, and would appreciate volunteers to help for an hour or two on the day. If anyone is available to help they are asked to contact 087 2771898.
Christmas Newsletter
Bere Island Projects Group will be publishing the annual Christmas Newsletter for 2023 and are seeking contributions. Family news and photographs over the past year, tributes to loved ones who have passed away, stories of Christmases on Bere Island in days gone by, poetry, short stories – all are welcome. All island clubs and organisations are also invited to submit any news on their activities over the past year.
The deadline is Friday October 27th 2023. All items must be received by this date. Items can be emailed to Helen at or dropped into the Projects Group Office.
Winter is coming and Castletownbere St Vincent de Paul is available to help anyone in need in the area. They can be contacted in strictest confidence at 083 356 1132.
Bere Island Projects Group will hold their AGM on Wednesday November 8th at 7.00pm in the Community Centre. All are welcome to attend.
Caha Centre
There will be a talk on “Wellbeing in the Early Years” in the Caha House Ardgroom on Friday October 27th from 10.30am to 12noon. This talk will be facilitated by Natalie Treacher and all are welcome. To book please call Lizzie on 087 1217745.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
On Monday October 23rd there will be a Parents Plus evening talk at 7.00pm at Scoil Phobhail Beara to help parents get the best from their relationship with their adolescents. For those interested, there is a follow on six-week parents plus programme. Participation in the full programme is not necessary.
Monday 9th October
St Vincent De Paul Beara
Winter is coming and Castletownbere St Vincent de Paul is available to help anyone in need. They can be contacted in strictest confidence at 083 356 1132.
Beara AC
The next race in the Beara AC 5 mile road race series is on Bere Island on Saturday October 14th and online registration is now open. To register click here
Christmas Newsletter
Bere Island Projects Group will be publishing the annual Christmas Newsletter for 2023 and are seeking your contributions.
Family news and photographs over the past year, tributes to loved ones who have passed away, stories of Christmases on Bere Island in days gone by, poetry, short stories – all are welcome. All island clubs and organisations are also invited to submit any news on their activities over the past year.
The deadline is Friday October the 27th 2023. All items must be received by this date. Items can be emailed to Helen Riddell at or dropped into the Projects Group Office.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
The Beara West Family Resource Centre provides information, advice and support to families, individuals and groups. The centre can provide access to low-cost counselling through its links with local counsellors and therapists. To talk to any of the team, call into the centre which is open Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm (closed 1.00pm to 2.00pm for lunch) or call 027 70998.
On Monday October 23rd there will be a Parents Plus evening talk at 7.00pm at Scoil Phobhail Beara to help parents get the best from their relationship with their adolescents. For those interested, there is a follow on six-week parents plus programme. Participation in the full programme is not necessary.
Monday 2nd October
Beara Historical Society
The Beara Historical Society will hold their AGM on Tuesday October 3rd at 8.00pm in the Beara Bay Hall (next door to Twomey’s Ivy Bar). Entrance is via the front of the building. The AGM will be followed by a talk on Jim Morrissey, ‘James Lovelock scientist, inventor, maverick: his Beara Connections.’
Christmas Newsletter
Bere Island Projects Group will be publishing the annual Christmas Newsletter for 2023 and are seeking your contributions. Family news and photographs over the past year, tributes to loved ones who have passed away, stories of Christmases on Bere Island in days gone by, poetry, short stories – all are welcome. All island clubs and organisations are also invited to submit any news on their activities over the past year. The deadline is Friday October the 27th 2023. All items must be received by this date. Items can be emailed to Helen Riddell at or dropped into the Projects Group Office.
Vince Power, from Castletownbere, is fundraising to support the invaluable service which Cancer Connect West Cork provides. Vince has organised a 5k walk in Bere Island on Saturday October October 14th, meeting at the Pontoon at 10:00, before boarding the ferry at 10:30am. On returning to the pontoon if anyone wishes to walk from the Pontoon to Castletownbere, the Fire truck will lead the group. That night at 8.00pm, there will be a night of songs and music by Pat Higgins in MacCarthy’s Bar where there will be a raffle for a hamper and sport prizes galore. 100% of the proceeds will be going to this worthy cause. Donation boxes will be available during both events and raffle tickets can be purchased from Mac Carthy’s Bar. For further information on both events please contact 089 4900751.
We offer our sincere sympathies to the families of the following who passed away this week.
Albert Walker
John O’Rourke
Margaret Harrington
May They Rest In Peace.
Monday 11th September
Bere Island Military Heritage Festival
The Bere Island Military Heritage Festival will place next weekend of Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th of September and will celebrate Bere Island’s rich military heritage. Events include talks and guided walks with local historians and guest speakers and an exhibition of old military photographs. The festival is funded by Cork County Council’s Commemoration’s Grant Scheme 2023 and the Heritage Council’s Heritage Capacity Fund 2023. For the full schedule of events see
Beara AC
The next race in the Beara AC 5 Mile Race Series will take place in Allihies on September 23rd, Bere Island on September 14th and Eyeries on Noember 11th. For further details and to register see the Beara AC Facebook page. Adult club training with Beara AC is held on Monday and Wednesday evenings at 6.30pm, session details are put up on WhatsApp on the day before.
Beara FET are planning on running the following courses on Bere Island soon. The first is a 23 week QQI level 4 Environmental Sustainability Awareness course which will look at biodiversity, climate change, energy and water efficiency, sustainable consumption and greening your lifestyle. The second course is beginners computer classes which will look at email, word documents, smart phones, iPads, safety online, using apps and search engines. If you are interested in either course please contact the office to book on 027 75099.
Bere Island Arts Festival
Booking is now open for the Bere Island Arts Festival. The festival will run from Thursday September 21st to Sunday September 24th and features events with authors Conal Creedon and Donal Ryan, theatre performances by the Peninsula Players, music with the Starlings, ZoDoMo, art exhibitions with Bere Island Women Create and Sarah Walker and much more. For the full line up and booking details see
Caha Centre
The local Social Prescribing Link Worker will be at Castletownbere Library on Wednesday September 13th from 10.30am to 11.30am. Social prescribing is a free service available to anyone over 18 that can help you link in with groups, activities and resources in your community. For further information contact Jenny 083-1491543.A Beara Community Gathering will be held on Friday October 13th in the Golf Club Castletownbere from 12.30pm to late. There will be music from “One for the Road”. The cost is €10 per person, and tickets should be booked before Friday September the 29th by contacting the Caha centre on 027 60909 or Beara West FRC at 027 70998
Castletownbere Youth Theatre
Castletownbere Youth Theatre will recommence classes from Wednesday September 20th in the Beara Bay, for those aged 10 plus. For further details contact 083 1484494.
Comhdhail AGM
Comhdhail oilean nah Eireann will hold their AGM on September 17th and 18thon Inishturk, Co Mayo. All are welcome to attend.
Monday 4th September
Bere Island Military Heritage Festival
The Bere Island Military Heritage Festival will place over the weekend of Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th September and will celebrate Bere Island’s rich military heritage. Events include talks and guided walks with local historians and guest speakers and an exhibition of old military photographs. The festival is funded by Cork County Council’s Commemoration’s Grant Scheme 2023 and the Heritage Council’s Heritage Capacity Fund 2023. For the full schedule of events see
Beara AC
The Beara AC 5 Mile Series started last Saturday with the first race taking place in Glengarriff. Other races in the series include Allihies on September 23rd, Bere Island on October 14th and Eyeries on November 11th. For further details and to register see the Beara AC Facebook page. Adult club training is held on Monday and Wednesday evenings at 6.30pm, session details are put up on WhatsApp on the day before.
Beara Shimmy Shakers
Beara Shimmy Shakers next event will be on Sunday September 10th at the Berehaven Golf Club with dancing to Nealie Connor from 9.00pm. Tickets are €10 and there will be a raffle on the night.
Castletownbere Youth Theatre
Castletownbere Youth Theatre will recommence classes from Wednesday September 20th in the Beara Bay, for those aged 10 plus. For further details contact 083 1484494.
Bere Island Arts Festival
Booking is now open for the Bere Island Arts Festival. The festival will run from Thursday September 21st to Sunday September 24th and features events with authors Conal Creedon and Donal Ryan, theatre performances by the Peninsula Players, music with the Starlings, ZoDoMo, art exhibitions with Bere Island Women Create and Sarah Walker and much more. For the full line up and booking details see
Monday 28th August
Bere Island Arts Festival
Booking is now open for the Bere Island Arts Festival. The festival will run from Thursday September21st to Sunday September 24th and features events with authors Conal Creedon and Donal Ryan, theatre performances by the Peninsula Players, music with the Starlings, ZoDoMo, art exhibitions with Bere Island Women Create and Sarah Walker and much more. For the full line up and booking details see
Beara Camera Club
Beara Camera Club will hold their next meeting on Monday September 4th in MacCarthy’s Bar, Castletownbere. For further details contact
We offer our congratulations to Margaret Dennehy, Bere Island who married Luke Daly last Friday on the island. We wish them both a lifetime of happiness.
Military Heritage Festival
The Bere Island Military Heritage Festival will be held on the weekend of Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th September, further details will be announced in the coming weeks.
Monday 21st August
Bere Island Arts Festival
Booking is now open for the Bere Island Arts Festival. The festival will run from Thursday September 21st to Sunday September 24th and features events with authors Conal Creedon and Donal Ryan, theatre performances by the Peninsula Players, music with the Starlings, ZoDoMo, art exhibitions with Bere Island Women Create and Sarah Walker and much more. For the full line up and booking details see
Heritage Week
Bere Island Projects Group held a scanning day during heritage week. The group were awarded funding from the Irish Community Archive Network to purchase a scanner, anyone who has old documents or photographs they would like to have digitised can still bring them to the projects office to be scanned. Slides and negatives can also be scanned. To make an appointment to have your items scanned contact or 027 75099.
Irish Community Archive Network
This Thursday August 24th, at an event in County Hall Bere Island Projects Group will present their new community archive to the Mayor of Cork County Cllr Frank Flynn. The community archive is part of an initiative with the Irish Community Archive which is supported by the National Museum of Ireland and The Heritage Council. It can be viewed at
Beara AC Autumn Race Series
The first run in the Beara AC Autumn race series will be the Glengarriff 5 mile run on Saturday September 2nd starting at 2.30pm. Funds raised at the event will be in aid of local National Schools. The event is sponsored by Bluelite Windows, Harrington Estates, Cronins Ballylickey, Circle Digital Marketing and many other local businesses. To register see The Bere Island 5 Mile road Race in the Autumn Race series will take place on Saturday October 4th.
Beara Camera Club
Beara Camera Club will hold their next meeting on Monday September 4th in MacCarthy’s Bar, Castletownbere. For further details contact
Sarah Walker
An exhibition, Elizium by Clare Langan at the Sarah Walker Gallery has now been extended for a further two weeks until September 3rd. For further details see
Military Heritage Festival
The Bere Island Military Heritage Festival will be held on the weekend of Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th September, further details will be announced in the coming weeks.
Beara Shimmy Shakers
On Sunday August 27th Beara Shimmy Shakers will travel to The Hotel Bere Island for dancing and music with Michael Hyde. There will be a ferry leaving Castletownbere at 5.00pm with bus transport to and from The Hotel. The cost is €20 per person, to book contact Kit on 087 6527733 or Sinead on 086 3751004.
Tour de Beara
The annual Tour de Beara cycle takes place on Saturday September the 9th. Participants can take part in a 90k, 120k or 160k route. All funds raised from the event will go directly to local charities and associations in Beara. To sign up see
Monday 31st August
Mass At the Holy Year Cross
Please note Mass has been cancelled at the Holy Year Cross on Saturday next 5th August. There will be rosary at 2pm instead.
Monday 24th July
Bere Island Festival
The schedule for the 2023 Bere Island Festival has been launched with events for all ages. The festival will run from Saturday August 5th to Sunday August 13th, and includes the annual children’s and adults biathlons, the children’s sports day, the watersports day and much more. For the full programme see
Beara AC
The Beara League is a series of races taking place over the next 5 weeks throughout Beara. It is an open competition for all members and non-members of Beara AC, taking place in July and August. The next race is the Eyeries Coastguard Station Loop trail 8k on Thursday July 27th starting at 7.30pm, the Adrigole 5 Mile Road Race on Saturday August 5th starting at 5.00pm and the Glengarriff Parkrun 5km on Saturday August 19th at 9.30am. For further details see the Beara AC Facebook page.
Fit Up
The West Cork Fit Up Theatre Festival will stage The Ballad of Mossy Flood, written, directed and performed by Seamus O’Rourke at the Lecture Theatre Rerrin on Saturday July 29th at 8.00pm with doors open from 7.30pm. Tickets are €15 and available on the door, and please note performances are not suitable for those aged under 14.
The Castletownbere Development Association have launched their programme for the 2023 Festival of the Sea which runs from Friday August 4th to Saturday August 12th. For full details see the CDA’s Facebook page and posters and flyers around the town.
The Travara Festival takes place over the weekend of July 29th and 30th. For further details see the Urhan Community Council Facebook Page.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
Castletownbere Fire Service are offering a free home fire safety check on rural homes in the Beara area. Local firefighters will carry out a fire safety check, provide fire safety advice and fit smoke alarms if required. These checks will be carried out during July and August 2023. For more information, please phone Liz at Beara West at 027 70998 or 086 856 0319.
Monday 17th July
Castletownbere Festival of the Sea
The Castletownbere Development Association have launched their programme for the 2023 Festival of the Sea which runs from Friday August 4th to Saturday August the 12th. For full details see the CDA’s Facebook page and posters around the town.
West Cork Fit Up Theatre Festival
The West Cork Fit Up Theatre Festival has returned to Bere Island, the first performance took place last Saturday and the next performance – King, written and performed by Pat Kinevane, will take place on Saturday July 22nd at 8.00pm with doors open at 7.30pm. Tickets are €15, and please note performances are not suitable for those aged under 14.
Beara AC
The Beara League is a series of races taking place over the next 5 weeks throughout Beara. It is an open competition for all members and non-members of Beara AC, taking place in July and August. The first of the four scheduled races of the Summer League was the Bere Island Midsummer Run which took place last Saturday. The next races coming up are the Eyeries Coastguard Station Loop trail 8k on Thursday July 27th, the Adrigole 5 Mile Road Race on Saturday August 5th and the Glengarriff Parkrun 5km on Saturday August 19th.Participants will be awarded points according to their placing in each particular race, and those taking part in all four races will be awarded four bonus points, memers of an affiliated athletics club wearing their club singlet will receive one bonus point and those who achieve a personal best at the last race, the Glengarriff parkrun will receive a bonus of four points. The winner is the person with the most points accumulated after the four races. For further details see the Beara AC Facebook page.
Adrigole Festival
The countdown is on to the start of the annual Adrigole festival on Thursday August 3rd. The Ceilí will again kick off the weekend on the Thursday night. The Aidan Cremin memorial 7-a-side tournament will take place on the Friday evening and on the Sunday the family fun day will take place. Duck cards have been distributed and anyone who wishes to buy ducks online will be able to do so from this weekend from the Adrigole GAA website.
Monday 10th July
Midsummer Run
The Bere Island Midsummer Run will take place on Saturday July 15th. For further details on the event and how to register click here
Fit Up
The West Cork Fit Up Theatre Festival is back on Bere Island with four performances in July and August at the Lecture Theatre, Rerrin. The first performance – Gombean, will take place on Saturday July 15th at 8.00pm with doors open at 7.30pm. Tickets are €15, and please note performances are not suitable for those aged under 14.
Training Courses
The Cork College of Further Education and Training Beara has a number of courses starting in September in visual art, textiles, horticulture, Irish for primary school parents and office skills. For further details and to book contact Noreen on 086 8239147.
Monday 26th June
Windows of Eyeries Art Trail
The annual Windows of Eyeries Art Trail will take place from July 21st to August 27th. Artists, both amateur and professional who would like to participate are asked to bring their art work to Eyeries Village Hall on Sunday July 16th between 11.00am and 4.00pm. For further information contact Billie and John at 027 74845 or email or Sue at 027 74441 or email
Bantry and Beara Cardiac Support Group
The next meeting of the Bantry and Beara Cardiac Support Group will take place on Tuesday June 27th in the Christian Fellowship Building Bantry at 8.00pm. The meeting is open to all those in the Bantry and Beara areas who have suffered a cardiac event or have cardiac related concerns.
Sarah Walker Gallery
The Sarah Walker Gallery, Castletownbere is now open through to September from 11.00am to 6.00pm each day. Featuring exhibitions of painting, sculpture and photography. On Tuesday June 27th the West Cork Chamber Music Festival will hold a fringe event (free admission)at the gallery from 12.30pm. For further details see:
Beara Film Fest 2023
This year’s Beara Film Fest will be held Saturday July 1st in a new venue, the Beacon Niteclub. Doors will open at 2.30pm for the matinee performance which commences screening at 3.00pm sharp. Screening this year, back due to public demand is the multi-award winning short film MIAH filmed entirely on the Beara Peninsula. The full feature length movie this year is The Runway and celebrates the 40th anniversary of the Mexican jet landing on Mallow race course in 1983. This is an over 15s event. Doors will reopen at 5.50pm with live music by Pat Higgins from 6.00pm to 7.00pm. The main screening event will start at 7.15pm. This year’s festival features four local directors that made the official selection. This will be strictly over 18s event. All events are non-ticketed with donations at the door for a chosen charity which this year is Cork Cancer Connect.
Beara Film Fest extend their thanks for support from Cork County Council Arts Grant Scheme 2023 and Creative Ireland Arts Grant Scheme County Cork 2023 and to local sponsors Lorraine and Chris Downey of Murphy’s SuperValu, the Castletownbere Development Association and the wider community for all their help and support given.
Monday 19th June
Bere Island Arts Festival
Save the date the inaugural Bere Island Arts Festival will be held from September the 21st to the 24th. Further details will be announced shortly.
Local Link
A new TFI Local Link service which connects Allihies to Castletownbere, Glengarriff, Bantry, Durrus and onto Kilcrohane is now running with 4 services a day. For further details call 027 52727 or see
Electric Vehicle Charging
Two bere island homeowners with 6.6kw charging points for electric vehicles are making them available to be used by anyone visiting the islabd with an electric vehicle. For further details see
Baby News
Congratulations are extended to Glen Harrington and Siobhradh O’Regan on the birth of their first baby, a boy, Cárraig Glenn born on June 14th.
Midsummer Run
The annual Bere Island Midsummer Run will take place on Saturday July the 15th. The 5k race starts at 1.00pm and the 10k at 1.10;m. There is also a free family friendly walk and a kids fun run. To register see or scan the QR code on the posters.
Training Courses
The Cork College of Further Education and Training Beara has a number of courses starting in September in visual art, textiles, horticulture, Irish for primary school parents and office skills. For further details and to book contact Noreen on 086 8239147.
Monday May 22nd
Beara Historical Society
The next talk of the Beara Historical Society will take place on Monday May 22nd at 8pm in Twomeys Lounge, Castletownbere. On May the 24th 1923 Frank Aiken’s ‘Cease Fire’ order silenced the guns of the Irish civil war. To coincide with the centenary of the ending of the bitter and tragic war Fachtna O Donovan will give an illustrated talk titled “Beara Casualties: Forgotten Stories of the Revolutionary Years 1916 – 1923”. These are the hidden stories of 21 casualties including 3 women and a 13 year old boy. All are welcome to attend and a donation of é5 will be requested of non-members.
Beara AC
Beara AC hold adult training on Monday and Wednesday evenings at 6.30pm, session details are put up on WhatsApp on the day or the evening before. Underage training will be held at Castletownbere Community School on Fridays from 5.00pm to 6.30pm. The last date for juvenile training before the school holidays will be on Friday June the 16th.
Exhibition of Gond Art
An exhibition of Gond art, original tribal art from India is running at 8 Cows Gallery, Allihies. Benefits from the sales will go to the artists and their Gond village in India. For further details and opening times see
Monday 15th May
Beara Historical Society
The next talk of the Beara Historical Society will take place on Monday May 22nd at 8pm in Twomeys Lounge, Castletownbere. On May 24th 1923 Frank Aiken’s ‘Cease Fire’ order silenced the guns of the Irish civil war. To coincide with the centenary of the ending of the bitter and tragic war Fachtna O Donovan will give an illustrated talk titled “Beara Casualties: Forgotten Stories of the Revolutionary Years 1916 – 1923”. These are the hidden stories of 21 casualties including 3 women and a 13 year old boy. All welcome to attend and a donation of €5 will be requested of non-members.
Darkness into Light
Castletownbere held their annual Darkness Into Light Walk on May 6th which saw over 172 people registered for the event which raised €4,000 through signup and sponsorship. The organisers extended their thanks to all who took part, those who helped to plan the event and all businesses who sponsored the event
Beara ETB
A new course coming to the Beara ETB this September is a Level 4 QQI accredited qualification in Environmental Sustainability Awareness. Among the topics the 13 week course will cover are climate change, renewable energy, water conservation, greening communities and creating a personal action plan. Places are limited, for further information and booking contact 086 8239147.
Monday 1st May
Brian Hoy RIP
Sympathy is extended to the family of Brian Hoy, Rerrin Bere Island, and Rathgar, Dublin who died on April 30th
Darkness into Light
The Castletownbere Darkness Into Light event will take place on Saturday May the 6th at 4.15am and will start from Catcha Coffee on the town’s main pier. Parking will be available by the Harbour Master’s offices. The event will be returning to the old route, up the North Road, down to Foildarrig and back to the pier. Catcha Coffee will be open for refreshments after the event. To register or make a donation see
Food & Mood
Exploring the Relationship between Food & Mood with Colette McCarthy will be held in the Beara ETB Centre on Monday May the 8th from 11.00am to 1.00pm. Places are limited and booking is essential by contacting Jenny on 083 1491543.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
MABS the money advice and budgeting service will hold a clinic at the Beara West Family Resource Centre on Friday May 5th. It is necessary to pre-book an appointment with the MABS representative who can be contacted on 0818 072 450 or call Rosaleen at 086 823 0410. MABS is the State’s free money advice service, helping people to manage and avoid getting into debt.
Monday 24th April
Public Meeting
Comhar na nOileain will host a visit of European local action groups to Bere Island on Tuesday April 25th, and later that evening at 8.00pm there will be a public meeting in the Hotel. All Island residents are invited to attend to discuss opportunities and challenges with island living in relation to environment and biodiversity. Jim Sullivan Beara Tourism will also give an update on the walks on the Island. The discussion is being facilitated by Davy Philips of Cloughjordan Eco village.
Darkness into Light
This year’s Darkness into Light event in Castletownbere will take place on Saturday May 6th at 4.15am, starting from Catcha Coffee on the Pier. For registration see
Beara Camera Club
Beara Camera Club will hold their next meeting on Monday May 1st at 8.00pm in MacCarthy’s Bar, Castletownbere.
Beara Ladies
Beara Ladies under 12s training takes place every Tuesday from 6.00pm to 7.00pm at the pitch next to the sports hall. All girls aged 10 to 12 years are welcome to take part. Beara Ladies will be starting training for all those attending school from junior infants upwards. All under 10’s will train on Tuesday evenings from 5.00pm to 6.00pm in the pitch next to the sports hall. Those taking part will need to bring a drink, a gum shield (this is compulsory), runners and football boots in case the weather is bad. Children are welcome to attend on a trial basis for 2-3 weeks to see whether or not they wish to take part. For further information contact Sandra on 087 2927534.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
On Thursday April 27th, a talk will be held – Supporting a Child with Angry Feelings. The talk will be facilitated by play therapist and psychotherapist Caitríona Ní Liatháin and will take place at Scoil an Chroí Ró Naofa, Castletownbere starting at 7.30pm. Booking is advised by contacting 027 70998.
Monday 6th March
Beara Historical Society
The Beara Historical Society will hold their next talk on Tuesday March 7th at 8.00pm, in Twomeys Lounge, Castletownbere. Historian Kieran Doyle will speak on Understanding Commemoration and the Revolutionary Period in Cork 1914 to 1923. Kieran works as a teacher in Bandon and is a regular contributor of historical articles to periodicals and journals and has also lectured to the West Cork History Festival. All are welcome to attend and a donation of €5 will be requested from non-members.
Beara AC
Beara AC training continues on Mondays and Wednesdays for adults, meeting at Dinish Island at 6.30pm, details are sent on the Beara AC WhatsApp group on the day. These sessions are suited to all levels of fitness and ability, and newcomers are welcome. Underage training is held every Friday at Castletownbere Community School from 5.00pm to 6.30pm.
Berehaven Golf Club
To round off the St Patrick’s weekend celebrations, Berehaven Golf Club is holding a Green Party evening on Saturday March 18th. Everyone is invited to wear green to mark the occasion and the evening will start at 5.00pm with the Ireland v England Rugby Six Nations match on the big screen. From 7.30pm there will be live Irish folk and trad music. Tickets are €20 per person with children free, with a welcome cocktail for and finger food will be served along with prizes for the best costumes. All proceeds will go to support Berehaven Golf Club Junior’s Programme. For tickets text 083 8511112 or enquire at the Club House.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
Wednesday March 8th is International Women’s Day, and the Beara West Family Resource Centre will host an event to celebrate this at Café Pictic, Castletownbere at 7.00pm. Sinéad Moore, a local health coach, and herbalist, will speak on the night and will give tips for leading a healthier life. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions. Refreshments will be provided and there is a suggested donation of €5 per person. Space is limited and booking is essential by contacting the centre on 027 70998 or texting Natalie at 083 113 5077.
On Thursday March 23rd the centre will host an evening talk for parents – Supporting an Anxious Child, at 7.30pm in the hall at Scoil na Chroí Ro Naofa. Caitríona Ní Liatháin, a play therapist and psychotherapist based in Bantry, will give a talk providing parents and guardians with techniques and methods to support children with anxious behaviours. There will also be an opportunity to ask Caitríona questions. This talk is open to all parents/guardians in the Beara area. To book a seat please contact 027 70998.
Monday 27th February
Bantry and District Cardiac Support Group
The Bantry and District Cardiac Support Group will hold their next monthly meeting on Tuesday February the 28th at 8.00pm in the Christian Fellowship Building, Bantry. This month’s meeting will be the group’s AGM. Following the election of officers there will be a group discussion to plan the year’s activities. All those in the Bantry and Beara areas who have suffered a cardiac event, have cardiac related concerns and their family members are welcome to attend.
SVP Beara
St. Vincent de Paul Beara have vacancies for people who qualify under the Rural Social Scheme for paid positions in their shop in Castletownbere. An active herd number or fishing licence in the family is required in order to apply. These are paid positions with flexible hours. For further information contact SVP Beara on 083 356 1132 or Arran O’Driscoll on 086 841 2539.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
Wednesday March the 8th is International Women’s Day, and the centre will host an event to celebrate this at Café Pictic, Castletownbere at 7.00pm. Sinéad Moore, a local health coach, and herbalist, will speak on the night and will give tips for leading a healthier life. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions. Refreshments will be provided and there is a suggested donation of €5 per person. Space is limited and booking is essential by contacting the centre on 027 70998 or texting Natalie at 083 113 5077.
Monday 20th February
Garnish GAA Fundraiser
Garnish GAA Club will hold a fundraising walkathon starting 1pm on Saturday February 25th, and is inviting club members and the wider community to walk the club grounds every hour. The walking will continue throughout the night followed by a walk from the Castletownbere Community Hospital to the pitch in Cahermore on the morning of Sunday February 26th. The walk from the hospital will leave at 10.30am. All money raised will be split between the club and the Community Hospital. For further information and to make a donation see
SVP Beara
St. Vincent de Paul Beara have vacancies for people who qualify under the Rural Social Scheme for paid positions in their shop in Castletownbere. An active herd number or fishing licence in the family is required in order to apply. These are paid positions with flexible hours. For further information contact SVP Beara on 083 356 1132 or Arran O’Driscoll on 086 841 2539.
Beara AC
Beara AC club hold adult training on Monday and Wednesday evenings at 6.30pm in Dinish Island and underage training will be held at Castletownbere Community School on Fridays from 5.00pm to 6.30pm. For further details see the Beara AC Facebook page.
Monday 13th February
Castletownbere Development Association
The Castletownbere Development Association is hoping to hold a multi-national festival day on the June Bank Holiday weekend. The group would like to hear from people of all nationalities living in Beara to help then with ideas to showcase food and crafts from their countries. Anyone who would like to contribute is asked to contact the CDA via their Facebook page.
Beara Ladies Medal Presentation
Beara Ladies will hold a medal presentation evening for their 2020 and 2021 seasons on Friday February17that the Berehaven Golf Club. There will be finger food and a disco and all are welcome.
Dark Sky Ireland
Dark Sky Ireland works towards combating light pollution of the night skies which will benefit both people and wildlife. The Group are working with the CPRE, the countryside charity in the UK and organising a Star Count in the UK and across Ireland during February.
Those who would like to take part are asked to look to the sky on a clear night between 17th-24th February, and count the number of stars you can see within the four corners of the Orion constellation. Further details on how to take part are available at
Castletownbere Coast Guard
Castletownbere Coast Guard Team are currently recruiting new members. For further details contact the officer in charge Leo O’Shea on 086 8501812.
Beara Film Fest
The closing date for submissions to the 2023 Beara Film Fest is 5.00pm on Friday February 24th 2023. Local aspiring directors both established and student alike are encouraged to submit their films. The director must be living in or from Cork, and the short film must be filmed in County Cork. Films should be a maximum of twenty-five minutes and in the English language or if filmed in Irish or a European language films should be subtitled. For further details on submission, and the format to film in see or the Beara Film Fest Facebook page.
Beara GAA
Beara GAA are hosting an injury prevention and nutrition workshop on Saturday February the 18th at 2.00pm in the sports hall in Castletownbere. The workshop will be given by Alan Devane and Andrew Fitzgerald. Alan Devane is a strength and conditioning coach and Andrew Fitzgerald is a qualified physical therapist who focuses on helping GAA players improve their bodies resilience and durability. The workshop is open to all players, both male and female for all ages and grades in Beara, and is also open to coaches for all the male and female teams in Beara . The workshop is free of charge to the players and coaches from Beara. For anyone who wishes to attend, can they please contact their club secretary for details.
Monday 23rd January
Computer Classes
Bere Island Projects Group will be holding a number of classes over the coming weeks. Art Classes with Brian Boss, Yoga with Trudi McQuaid and computer classes for all levels. For further details and to book contact 027 75099.
Fit For The Future
Staying Fit for the Future/Better Balance Better Bones is taking registrations for classes returning to an in-person format in Castletownbere at Pam’s Studio at the Daybreak/Circle K premises. Classes will be at 7PM on Wednesdays. It is a 10 week session starting on January the 25th and the cost is €60. The programme involves fun exercises aimed at improving balance and maintaining muscle strength and bone density, and it is open to all adults who can walk unaided. Registration is through Cork Sports Partnership, either online or by phone on 086 127 6863 or 086 140 9225.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
MABS, the Money Advice and Budgeting Service will be at the Beara West Family Resource Centre on Friday January 27th from 10.30am. MABS is the State’s free money advice service, helping people to manage and avoid getting into debt. For more information, phone 0818 072 450.
On Friday February 10th older people in the community are invited to come along to the Beara Community Spring Gathering from 12.30pm at Berehaven Golf Club. There will be a three-course meal, live music and a raffle. The cost is €10 per head and transport to and from the venue is available on request. Places should be booked by January 31st by contacting Julie at the Caha Centre at 027 60909 or Moira at the Beara West Family Resource Centre at 027 70998.
Singing for the Brain music sessions will resume in the centre from February. This national initiative brings together a friendly and supportive social group in a casual environment to enjoy company, songs and music.
Monday 16th January
Leadership for Life Programme
A Leadership for Life Programme for Young Islanders will empower island youth with leadership capabilities to reach their full potential which will allow them to learn, practice and develop the core skills they will need in their future life. The programme is run by Foroige and is Ireland’s only evidence-based accredited Youth Leadership programme for under 18 year olds. For futher details contact 01 6301560 or see
Castletownbere Coast Guard
Castletownbere Coast Guard Team are currently recruiting new members. Those interested must have a reasonable level of fitness and be prepared to undertake regular training to reach the level of competence needed to be an effective member of the team. You should also live within 16 miles or 20 minutes of the station. For further details contact the officer in charge Leo O’Shea at
Computer Classes
Bere Island Projects Group will hold computer classes for all levels starting on Thursday January the 19th from 2.00pm to 3.00pm at the community centre. The classes are open to everyone. For further information contact 027 75099.
Beara Education Training Board
The Beara Education Training Board has a number of courses starting at their premises at the North Road, Castletownbere including Irish, English for speakers of other languages, art, technology, sewing, food and nutrition, budgeting and gardening. For further information and to book a place contact Maggie on 086 0850300.
Castletownbere Youth Theatre
The new term of Castletownbere Youth Theatre has now resumed. Classes are on Wednesdays, at the Beara Bay Hall and take place at the following times. Ages 10-12 5.45pm to 7.00pm, ages 12 plus 7.00pm to 8.45pm.
Tour De Beara
Registration is now open for the 2023 Tour de Beara cycle race which will take place on September 9th 2023. For further details and to register see
News Archive 2022
Monday 12th December 2022
Beara Historical Society
The Beara Historical Society is hosting the launch of Ted O’Sullivan’s new book ‘Bere Island Internment Camp 1921, Nora O Neill’s Autograph Book’ on Monday December12th at 8.00pm at Twomey’s Lounge, Castletownbere. Nora O’Neill who was captain of the Castletownbere company of Cumann na mBan. In the course of their time in the camp as many as forty of the internees signed Nora’s autograph book. The book features short biographical sketches of each autograph writer, along with a biographical sketch of Nora O’Neill. The book is on sale at the Bere Island Heritage Centre, Murphys Shop and venues in Beara.
Christmas Newsletter
The Bere Island Christmas Newsletter is now on sale from Murphy’s Shop Rerrin and Supervalu Castletownbere, priced 5 euro. This year’s front cover was designed by the children of St Michael’s National School, Bere Island. Newsletters from parishes throughout Beara including Allihies, Castletownbere Eyeries and Tuosist are also on sale through the peninsula.
Caha Centre
Euro Safety are running a Safe Pass Course in The Caha Centre, Adrigole on Saturday December the 17th from 8am to 5pm. The cost is €150. To book a place please call 029-52969.
Christmas Workshops
Beara ETB will hold a Christmas Decorations workshop with Karolina on Wednesday December 14th from 10.00am to 1.30pm. The workshop is free of charge, to book a place contact Noreen on 086 8239147.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
The Beara West Family Resource Centre will hold their annual Christmas Party on Wednesday December 14thfrom 11.00am to 1.ppm at the centre. Tea, coffee and refreshments will be served. All are welcome to attend.
Monday 5th December 2022
Christmas Newsletter
The Bere Island Christmas Newsletter is now on sale from Murphy’s Shop Rerrin and Supervalu Castletownbere, priced 5 euro. This year’s front cover was designed by the children of St Michael’s National School, Bere Island.
Allihies Panto
The annual Lehnamore panto is back this year. Puss in Hoots preceded by the Inventive Genius of Garnish will be performed on Friday December 9th and Saturday December 10th, and the following weekend on December the 16th and 7th. The performance starts at 8pm, admission is €10. To book contact Anne on 0879810518 or Marie on 086 879 8802.
Bake Sale in Support of Saint Vincent de Paul Beara
A group of volunteers are holding a fundraising bake sale in support of Saint Vincent de Paul Beara on Thursday December 8th in The Square, Castletownbere from 9.00am. A selection of delicious home baked goods will be available. All funds raised will go to support the work of SVP Beara.
Caha Centre
Euro Safety are running a Safe Pass Course in The Caha Centre, Adrigole on Saturday December 17th from 8.00am to 5.00pm. The cost is €150. To book a place please call 029 52969.
Christmas Workshops
Beara ETB are running number of Christmas themed workshops over the coming weeks. On Thursday December 8th there will be Christmas Card Design with Ida from 10.00am to 1.30pm, and on Wednesday December 14th there will be Christmas Decorations with Karolina from 10.00am to 1.30pm. All workshops are free of charge, to book a place contact Noreen on 086 8239147.
Monday 28th November 2022
Castletownbere Post Office
Castletownbere Post Office is relocating to a different premises in the town on Monday December 5th. To facilitate the move the Post Office will be open for a half day on Friday December 2nd at 3.00pm and remain closed on Saturday December 3rd and will reopen at their new premises at P75 YK00 on Monday December 5th. Staff apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Bake Sale in Support of Saint Vincent de Paul Beara
A group of volunteers are holding a fundraising bake sale in support of Saint Vincent de Paul Beara on Thursday December 8th in The Square, Castletownbere from 9am. A selection of delicious home baked goods will be available. All funds raised will go to support the work of SVP Beara.
RNLI Lotto Draw
Castletownbere RNLI & CoAction Beara have announced the relaunch of their weekly fundraising lotto draw. The first draw will take place on: Wednesday December the 7th with a starting jackpot of €2900. If the jackpot is not won there will be 5 lucky dip winners of €50 each. Tickets are €2 each and can be purchased from local businesses.
Christmas in Castletownbere
This Saturday December 3rd a Christmas Market will be held from 11.00am to 2.00pm at the Beacon, Castletownbere. At 7.15pm that evening Fr Noel Spring will bless the Christmas tree in the square ahead of the official switching on of the town Christmas lights which will be followed by carol singing, with mulled wine and mince pies. The Castletownbere Newsletter will also be launched that evening. On Sunday December 4thSanta will be visiting Castletownbere, and there will be drive-thru visits in the grounds of St Peters from 4pm to 6pm. To book a slot text your child’s age, name and gender to 086 8953921. The annual St Stephen’s Day Treasure Challenge will take place on Monday 26th December. Further details on the treasure challenge are available on the CDA Facebook page.
Beara Camera Club
The Beara Camera will hold their next meeting and Christmas celebration on Monday December 5th at 8.00pm in MacCarthy’s Bar, Castletownbere.
Bantry and District Cardiac Support Group
The next meeting of the Bantry and District Cardiac Support Group will take place on Tuesday November 29that 8.00pm at the Christian Fellowship Building, Bantry. The meeting is open to all those in the Bantry and Beara areas who have suffered a cardiac event or have cardiac related concerns. Family members are also welcome to attend.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
The Beara West Family Resource Centre will hold their annual Christmas Party on Wednesday December 14th from 11.00am to 1.00 pm at the centre. Tea, coffee and refreshments will be served. All are welcome to attend.
Singing for the Brain has resumed. This friendly and supportive social music group brings people together through songs, stories and smiles. For more information, call Moira at 086 856 0319.
English lessons are running again at Beara West on Friday mornings.
Regular social group meet-ups designed for children aged 9-12 years with common interests are now underway at the centre. This is a parent-led group everyone is welcome and neurodiversity is welcome. For more information, please contact 70998.
Monday 21st November 2022
RNLI Lotto Draw
Castletownbere RNLI & CoAction Beara have announced the relaunch of their weekly fundraising lotto draw. The first draw will take place on: Wednesday December the 7th with a starting jackpot of 2,900 euro. If the jackpot is not won there will be 5 lucky dip winners of 50 euro each. Tickets are 2 euro each and can be purchased from local businesses. Volunteers and tickert collectors are needed, if anyone is able to help out they are asked to send a message to the Castletownbere RNLI and CoACtion Beara Facebook page.
Christmas in Castletownbere
Castletownbere Development Association are holding a number of events over the coming weeks to mark the start of the Christmas season. On Saturday December the 3rd, a Christmas Market will be held from 11am to 2pm at the Beacon. At 7.15pm that evening Fr Noel Spring will bless the Christmas tree in the square ahead of the official switching on of the town Christmas lights which will be followed by carol singing, with mulled wine and mince pies. The Castletownbere Newsletter will also be launched that. On Sunday December the 4th Santa will be visiting Castletownbere, and there will be drive-thru visits in the grounds of St Peters from 4pm to 6pm. To book a slot text your child’s age, name and gender to 086 8953921 by November the 25th. The annual St Stephen’s Day Treasure Challenge will take place on Monday 26th December. Further details on the treasure challenge are available on the CDA Facebook page.
A manual handling course and an abrasive wheel course will be held on Bere Island on Tuesday December the 6th starting at 10am. Each course is 2 hors in duration and costs 30 euro per course, if participants do both courses the cost is 50 in total. Booking is essential and places are limited, to book contact the projects group office on 75099
Beara GAA
The Beara GAA AGM will take place in Twomeys Bar, Castletownbere on Friday November the 25th at 8pm.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
On Friday November the 25th, the Money Advice and Budgeting Service will hold a clinic at the centre from 10.30am. For more information, call 0818 072450 or 087 8230410.
Monday 14th November 2022
Christmas in Castletownbere
Castletownbere Development Association have announced their Christmas programme of events. On Saturday December 3rd, a Christmas Market will be held from 11am to 2pm at the Beacon. At 7.15pm that evening Fr Noel Spring will bless the Christmas tree in the square ahead of the official switching on of the town Christmas lights which will be followed by carol singing, with mulled wine and mince pies. The Castletownbere Newsletter will also be launched that. On Sunday December 4th Santa will be visiting Castletownbere, and there will be drive-thru visits in the grounds of St Peters from 4pm to 6pm. To book a slot text your child’s age, name and gender to 086 8953921 by November 25th.
Beara Historical Society
The next talk by the Beara Historical Society will be held on Tuesday November 15th at 8pm in Twomeys Lounge, Castletownbere. Eilis Ni Longaigh will give an illustrated talk on the renowned Cork sculptor Seamus Murphy. All are welcome and a donation of 5 euro will be required from non-members.
A manual handling course and an abrasive wheel course will be held on Bere Island on Tuesday December the 6th starting at 10am. Each course is 2 hors in duration and costs 30 euro per course, if participants do both courses the cost is 50 in total. Booking is essential and places are limited, to book contact the projects group office on 75099
Beara West Family Resource Centre
Singing for the Brain will resume on November 16th at 2.30pm. This friendly and supportive social music group brings people together through songs, stories and smiles. For more information, call Moira at 086 856 0319.
Monday 7th November 2022
Funding for Renewable Energy Initiatives
A new funding scheme, the Brexit Blue Economy Development Scheme will provide up to 25 million euro of funding to businesses in Ireland’s coastal communities to encourage them to use renewable energy. The scheme is an initiative of the Government of Ireland and the European Union, and is being administered by BIM and delivered through Fisheries Local Action Groups
Under the scheme each business can apply for funding of up to €200,000. The scheme is also aiming to stimulate growth in rural coastal communities post-Brexit and is open to three streams of projects: Capital Investment, Business Mentoring and Capacity Development, and Upskilling and Training. For further information about the Brexit Blue Economy Enterprise Development Scheme contact or see
Bere Island Projects Group will hold their AGM next Wednesday November 9th at 7pm via Zoom. A link to register has been sent to all island residents. If you did not receive this text please contact the office on 027 75099 before 5pm on Tuesday November the 9th.
Caha Centre
West Cork Social Prescribing will host an information morning in Castletownere library on Tuesday, November the 15th from 11am to 12.30pm. Everyone is welcome to come along learn more about this free service which is now available throughout West Cork. For further information, contact Jenny on 083 1491543.
Eyeries 5 Miles Road Race
The final race in Beara Athletic Club’s 5 Mile Road Race series will take place in Eyeries Village on Saturday November the 12th at 2.30pm. The 5 mile race starts and finishes in the village. and there will be over 100 prizes awarded for various categories. Entry is €20 and for further details and to register see
Beara West Family Resource Centre
Singing for the Brain will resume on November the 16th at 2.30pm. This friendly and supportive social music group brings people together through songs, stories and smiles. For more information, call Moira at 086 856 0319.
On Friday November the 25th, the Money Advice and Budgeting Service will hold a clinic at the centre from 10.30am. MABS is the state’s free money advice service, helping people to manage and avoid getting into debt. For more information, call 0818 072450 or 087 8230410.
English lessons are running again at Beara West on Friday mornings.
Regular social group meet-ups designed for children aged 9-12 years with common interests are now underway at the centre. This is a parent-led group everyone is welcome and neurodiversity is welcome. For more information, please contact 70998.
Monday 31st October 2022
Tidy Towns Win
Bere Island Tourism and Environment Group have won the Tidy Island Award in the 2022 SuperValu Tidy Town’s Competition, it’s the fourteenth consecutive win for Bere Island.
Bere Island Projects Group will hold their AGM on Wednesday November 9th at 7pm via Zoom. A link to register has been sent to all island residents. If you did not receive this text please contact the office on 027 75099.
Beara Film Fest
The call out for submissions for the 2023 Beara Film Fest has now opened. Local aspiring directors both established and student are encouraged to submit films. The deadline for all submissions is 5pm on Friday February the 24th 2023. For further details on submitting a film see or the Beara Film Fest Facebook page.
Bingo takes place at the Bere Island Hotel every Friday evening at 8pm, all are welcome to join in.
West Cork Islands AGM
The West Cork Islands Community Council will hold their AGM on Friday November the 4th at 12.30pm at the Island Cottage Gallery on Heir Island. Anyone who would like to attend is asked to register their intention by sending a text or email with AGM followed by your name and island to or to 086 2922101 or by contacting your local island representative.
A number of courses are taking place on Bere Island over the coming weeks, and include keep fit dance classes with Karolina, manual handling and an abrasive wheel course, and a fish filleting course. For further details and dates see
Eyeries 5 Miles Road Race
The final race in Beara Athletic Club’s 5 Mile Road Race series will take place in Eyeries Village on Saturday November the 12th at 2.30pm. For further details and to register see
Beara GAA
As part of the fundraising effort by Beara GAA and the Beara Senior Football County Championship winning team of 1997, to support the future educational needs of James and Molly children of the team’s goalkeeper Padraig Crowley, an online auction has been set up. It will cost €5 to place a bid with bids closing on Saturday November the 5th . All the bids will be placed online and further details can be found at
Beara West Family Resource Centre
Singing for the Brain will resume on November the 16th at 2.30pm. This friendly and supportive social music group brings people together through songs, stories and smiles. For more information, call Moira at 086 856 0319.
English lessons are running again at Beara West on Friday mornings.
Regular social group meet-ups designed for children aged 9-12 years with common interests are now underway at the centre. This is a parent-led group everyone is welcome and neurodiversity is welcome. For more information, please contact 70998.
The Parent & Toddler Group meet at the Centre on Thursdays at 10:15am.
Monday 17th October 2022
Bere Island Projects Group will hold their AGM on Wednesday November 9th at 7pm via Zoom. A link to register will be sent to all island residents within the next week, please click the link and complete the link to register. You will then receive a confirmation email with the necessary information to join the meeting. Anyone who has any questions regarding registration is asked to contact the office on 75099 before midday on November 12th.
Heritage Week Award
The Annual National Heritage Week Awards celebrate the most engaging projects and events organised by National Heritage Week organisers. An event which was organised by Bere Island Projects Group to mark Wild Child Day of Heritage week – a guided tour of Lonehort Battery for children and their parents has been shortlisted for an award. The virtual award ceremony will take place on Thursday October 20thand can be viewed at
West Cork Islands AGM
The West Cork Islands Community Council will hold their AGM on Friday November 4th at 12.30pm at the Island Cottage Gallery on Heir Island. Anyone who would like to attend is asked to register their intention by sending a text or email with AGM followed by your name and island to or to 086 2922101 or by contacting your local island representative.
Christmas Newsletter
The deadline is approaching for the 2022 Bere Island Christmas Newsletter. Any family events or photographs from the past year, tributes to loved ones who have passed away, stories of past Christmases on Bere Island, poetry, short stories, all are welcome. All island clubs and organisations are also invited to submit any news on their activities in the past year. The deadline is Friday October 21st and all items must be received by this date. Items can be emailed to Helen at or dropped into the Projects Group office.
Council Funding
In April of this year Minister Heather Humphreys announced a new funding stream for the improvement and refurbishment of existing community centres in both urban and rural areas. There have been over 20 successful applicants for Cork South West under Category 1 of the scheme which covers small scale projects up to €25,000. Three applications in Beara were successful which include an award of €25,000 to Eyeries Community Development, €25,000 to the Bere Island Heritage Centre and €23,000 to Bere Island Projects Group which will be used to upgrade the heating and plumbing in the community centre.
Beara GAA
It has been confirmed the County Senior Football Final will take place on Sunday October 30th in Pairc Ui Chaoimh. This is the day that the Beara Senior Football team of 1997 will be honoured as the county champions silver jubilee team. As a result of this, the fundraising draw that was due to place on the bank holiday weekend will now take place a week later on the weekend of November 5th with further details of the draw to be confirmed. Tickets for the raffle cost €10 and are available online at and also currently on sale from members of the Beara 1997 team and management and from local businesses around Beara. For anyone who is attending the county final, Flannerys on Glasheen Road in Cork will host a post match reception for the Beara 1997 team and for supporters who wish to attend.
Beara West Family Resource Centre
Singing for the Brain is now running at the centre on Wednesdays until November 15th inclusive at 2.30pm. This friendly and supportive social music group brings people together through songs, stories and smiles. For more information, call Moira at 086 856 0319.
English lessons are running again at Beara West on Friday mornings.
Regular social group meet-ups designed for children aged 9-12 years with common interests are now underway at the centre. This is a parent-led group everyone is welcome and neurodiversity is welcome. For more information, please contact the Centre at 027 70998.