University College Cork (UCC) is conducting a study on Housing and Sustaining Communities on the West Cork Islands in collaboration with the Bere Island Projects Group, Comharchumann Chléire Teoranta, Comhar na nOileán CTR and the SICAP programme, Comhdháil Oileáin na hÉireann, Sherkin Island Development Society, and the West Cork Development Partnership. The study is funded by the Irish Research Council New Foundations Grant.
As part of this, we are asking full- or part-time residents of the islands who are over the age of 18 to take part in a short online survey on housing and sustainability on the West Cork Islands. The survey was co-designed with a group of 16 West Cork Island residents and takes about 10 minutes to complete. The survey can be accessed via this link:
If you would like to request a postal survey to complete by hand instead of online, please contact Aisling Moran for Sherkin, Long and Heir, John Walsh for Bere, Whiddy and Dursey and Mairtin O Mealoid or Jude Gilbert for Cape Clear. A member of your island development group will then send you a printed questionnaire with a stamped addressed envelope included for you to return the completed questionnaire to the UCC project team.
We would be grateful if you could complete the survey by Monday 21st Feb 2022.
If you have any queries about this research or require further information, you can contact Dr Siobhan O’Sullivan, School of Applied Social Studies, UCC by email: siobhan.osull@ucc.ie.Thank you for your participation.